Session 01 —GSOC 2018

Johan Veramendi Llaulle
3 min readNov 12, 2017


We are a group of university students from different universities and the idea of these classes is present a project for apply to the Google Summer of Code. The session started at 10:00 am at UIGV.

About history of Linux

Linux started with the fussion of 2 projects, the GNU project, that was development by Richard Stallman, and the project Linux, that was development by Linus Torvalsd. The idea of the project was replace to UNIX, because they belive in the idea of Free Software. For this reason, Linus Torvalsd created a kernel for Linux in 1991. He wanted a OS that works like UNIX, but that is free. From here, Linux grew rapidly and today is one of the most used Os in the world.


We started with Fedora distribution and the principal commands to linux, also how to navigate along the folders with the command “cd”.

If you want to view the actually location, you can use “pwd”.
The keyboard can be changed with the command “setxkbmap es”, for know info about the PC, we can list the characteristics with “lspci”.

the command lspci can filter the characteristics if we addition a filter grep. For example: $lspci| grep Audio.

An important command when we are lost, is man. Man allow us to check the manual of the OS.


GIMP is a graphic editor, we can install with the command “sudo dnf install gimp”. “sudo” because is necessary of authorization of super user and “dnf” (manager of packages in fedora).

ls -a : allow show hide file. The hide files have “.” before the filename

Name and extension of files

There aren’t the extensions on Linux. There are differents types of files:
Plain: is a readable file. (cd /etc)
Binary: have functions and graphs (cd /bin)
Link: files associates to other files, and represent the same data. The links have a arrow “->”
(cd etc/ls -l)

cat -> allow show all the content
cat /etc/passwd
head -1 /etc/passwd -> is for show the first row.
tail -1 /etc/passwd -> is for show the last row.


Vi is a editor from Linux. You can navigate within a document using vi.
Also you can insert, edit, delete, copy and search text.

Commands for navigate:
G: G allow go to the last row, or also you can use #G, for example 3G, and you go to the row number 3.
H: Works similar to G. H allow ubicate the first row in the text.

Modes VI
Command mode: In command mode, we can move within a file and perform editing operations such as searching for text, deleting text, modifying text, etc. vi is usually started in command mode.
Insert mode: In insert mode, we can type new text at the insertion point of a file. To return to command mode, press the Esc key.

Commands for edit text:

dd: Delete the actual row, and also you can specify the numbers of row for delete putting a number before dd, for example: 3d.

o: allow insert a new line.

p: allow copy a rows.

into the next link, there are more commands:

