A Beginner’s Guide to Writing in English for University Study

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4 min readMar 9, 2018


When it comes to university studies, the first thought that comes in mind is advanced writing skills and yes you must have very good writing skills because you have to work very frequently on writing assignments and homework and if you lack skills, you are going to have big problems so the best way to keep you away from troubles is to improve your weak ends as early as possible. Remember that academic writing is quite different than article or fiction writing because here you are writing for learned readers who might already know a lot about your topic and it is not really easy to impress them so you should be ready to face them.

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What to Do If You Lack Good Writing Skills?

Well, the answer is quite simple. What you do when you feel hungry? Of course you eat your lunch or have some cookies to satisfy your hunger. Same rule applies here as you simply need to find what you are missing. You can try to improve your skills on your own which is definitely possible but it will surely take a lot of time as you have nobody to help you go through the entire process. The biggest problem is that you don’t know where to start. The better solution of your problem is to find an expert who can guide you each and every step one by one so you can make yourself ready for university studies. There are various online tutors who can provide their assistance. Alternatively, you can follow specifically designed courses for the beginners.

Should You Look for Online Courses for Beginners?

Yes, sure. You must look for online courses especially designed for those who don’t have great writing skills or belong to non native English speaking countries and always have problems with their writing tasks. The biggest advantage of following a course is that you have a work plan to follow on daily, weekly and monthly basis and you know what to do next. Beginners’ guide usually covers everything that a non native writer may need to become an expert one which may include grammar, vocabulary, structure, organization, critical thinking etc.

What Course to Choose?

Go and Google Beginner’s guide for academic writing and you will find multiple courses. Once you have the results, choose the ones appear on top results. Go through the websites one by one and check out what they are offering you and who would be teaching you. When you want to choose such a problem, you have to keep various factors in consideration i.e. developer of the course, design, during and most importantly cost. Yes, if you are tight on your budget, you would surely like to know the cost first because if you can’t afford to pay the fees, there is no use of wasting time in discovering its features. However, there are various good courses which may cost you very nominal charges that you can easily pay so don’t worry about the cost.

What Factors to Focus More to Improve Writing?

If you are a non native student, you might be missing a lot in form of grammar and vocabulary so the first thing that you need to focus is grammar and vocabulary. If you don’t know the basic rules of English grammar, learn them following to the advanced rules and principles. This will take time but soon you will feel good at this area of your studies. Secondly, you can build up your vocabulary along the way you learn grammar. The biggest vocabulary you have, the better it would be for your writing especially when you prefer academic form which requires you to use diversity of words such as nouns, verbs, and formal, informal, slangs etc.

Last Advice for Beginners

Whatever course or tutor you choose, it is up to your choice but one most important thing that you must keep in mind before you start following a course is that you can be successful only when you are sincere with your efforts. Once you start, no more excuses should be put forward for missing a lesson as this will bring you nothing but disappointment at the end of the course. Therefore, you must spare yourself from every activity that can become a hindrance in your way to learn English writing for university studies.

Author Bio

Jane Chaucer is a writer and assignment service provider. As a writer, she gives tips on assignment writing UK to help students with their problems. On the other hand, as a digital marketer, she provides friendly solutions to her customers.

