AI Augmented Content for a New Reader Experience

John Macy
4 min readOct 24, 2023



In the fast-evolving landscape of Human Resources (HR) technology, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is rewriting the rules for how we engage with published static content and maintain contemporary knowledge. In their upcoming book, “HR Technology in the Web3 Era,” John Macy and Dennis Hill write on a subject that is constantly changing and only a small fraction of research can find its way into traditional book content and the rate of change renders content outdated in a short time. Supplementing book content with AI is a new method of knowledge dissemination that transforms a static publication into a digital framework for ongoing learning. With the assistance of AI, the digital framework draws upon the latest information and past explanations of HR technology from AI Data Models, annotated by industry experts, operating seamlessly in the background.

The Challenge of Contemporary Knowledge

In the digital age, staying ahead of the curve is a constant challenge. As technology rapidly advances, the HR domain finds itself navigating uncharted territory. Traditional publications, although invaluable, have limitations. They may not capture the most contemporary insights and discoveries in the field. The HR Technology in the Web3 Era traditional publication, along with the companion digital AI assisted version, is a solution that blends the world of books with the dynamic realm of AI, annotations, and data labelling.

Contemporary Subject Matter Meets AI Augmentation

One of the defining aspects of the HR Technology in the Web3 Era book is its pioneering approach to content augmentation. This approach addresses the common challenge of keeping publications current with the latest developments. It’s a vision where AI modules replace the traditional book index, breathing life into the text, and serving as a bridge between the static nature of print and the dynamic, ever-evolving nature of digital information.

In this vision, a book becomes more than just a static text; it becomes a portal to knowledge, a conversation partner that deepens your understanding, and a trusted guide on your learning journey. Here’s how this concept comes to life:

1. Text Highlighting and Recognition: The AI modules are designed to recognize highlighted text in digital versions of the book. This can be initiated either by the reader or automatically by the AI system.

2. Content Enrichment: When a reader highlights a section of text, the AI module swings into action, identifying key concepts, terms, and ideas. It provides additional context, explanations, and relevant references, thanks to its natural language processing and machine learning capabilities.

3. Access to External Knowledge Sources: The AI module doesn’t stop at what’s contained within the book’s pages. It extends its reach to external knowledge sources like Expert AI Models, Wikipedia, scholarly articles, and reference materials. It instantly fetches more detailed information about the highlighted concepts.

4. Interactive Learning: The implications for education are profound. This approach enables interactive learning experiences, allowing readers to dive deeper into the subject matter without leaving the book. It’s like having a knowledgeable tutor by your side, ready to provide more insight when you need it.

5. Personalized Learning: AI adapts to the reader’s level of understanding and preferences. For novices, it offers basic explanations, while providing more advanced insights for experts. It’s learning tailored to the individual.

6. Cross-Referencing: The AI module takes cross-referencing to a whole new level, linking concepts within the book and to external resources. It creates a web of knowledge that enhances comprehension.

The screen shot below illustrates how pop up boxes allow the reader to click on and listen to an audio explanation of terms the reader may not be familiar with. The audio is produced from a Text to Speech facility where text is derived from ChatGPT:

Audio from pop up box: Centralized monolithic HR technology refers to a single, comprehensive software system that manages all HR functions in one place. This approach often lacks flexibility, with all features integrated into a single codebase, making it challenging to adapt to changing HR needs and technologies.

Challenges and Opportunities

While this concept holds great promise, it’s not without challenges:

Quality of Explanations: Ensuring that the AI’s explanations are accurate and informative is paramount. AI models must be meticulously trained and continuously updated to provide high-quality content.

Integration and User-Friendliness: Seamless integration into user-friendly platforms is crucial for this vision to succeed. Users should feel at ease with the technology.

Data Availability: Access to external knowledge sources like Wikipedia can be subject to copyright and licensing issues, and the AI module must ensure source credibility.

Privacy and Data Security: Managing user-highlighted text and interactions with the AI module requires addressing privacy and data security concerns.

Future of Learning: AI-Augmented Publications

In a world where information flows ceaselessly, this innovative approach to learning is poised to become the preferred method. AI-augmented publications, as demonstrated by the concept in the HR Technology in the Web3 Era book, have the potential to redefine how we learn, making it an interactive, dynamic, and deeply enriching experience.

In practical applications, this concept can be taken even further. Text highlighted for further analysis can be delivered in audio mode or printed on a simple voice command, enabling students and researchers to seamlessly integrate these insights into their projects.

As John Macy and Dennis Hill’s book enters the world, it brings with it the promise of a new era in learning — a future where books don’t merely sit on shelves, but actively engage and enrich our understanding of the world. It’s a vision that’s much needed in the HR domain, where staying at the cutting edge of technology is paramount. With AI, knowledge becomes a dynamic companion, always ready to offer more insight, opening up new avenues for discovery and growth.



John Macy

John Macy is a visionary and thought leader in HR technology, Holochain, Metaverse, Web3, etc. & has written books & consulted to HR clients worldwide