Citizen Developers and Low-Code Platforms: Bridging the Developer Gap in the Web3 Transition

John Macy
3 min readJun 10, 2023



As the world transitions to Web3 and decentralized technologies, there is a growing demand for skilled developers who can build and maintain applications on these platforms. However, the shortage of developers poses a significant challenge to the rapid adoption of Web3. In this context, the emergence of citizen developers and low-code platforms offers a promising solution to bridge the developer gap and accelerate the Web3 transition.

The Rise of Citizen Developers:

Citizen developers are individuals with little to no formal coding experience but possess domain expertise and a deep understanding of business processes. They are empowered to create applications and solve business problems using low-code or no-code platforms. By leveraging intuitive interfaces, drag-and-drop functionalities, and pre-built modules, citizen developers can create functional applications without relying on traditional coding skills.

Low-Code Platforms: Enabling Citizen Developers:

Low-code platforms provide the tools and infrastructure needed to build applications with minimal hand-coding. These platforms offer visual development interfaces, pre-built components, and easy integration capabilities, enabling citizen developers to quickly prototype, develop, and deploy applications.

Benefits of Citizen Developers and Low-Code Platforms in Web3:

1. Bridging the Developer Gap: Citizen developers, empowered by low-code platforms, can contribute to the development of Web3 applications even without extensive coding knowledge. This bridges the shortage of skilled developers and allows a broader base of individuals to participate in the creation of decentralized applications.

2. Rapid Application Development: Low-code platforms enable citizen developers to quickly create applications by abstracting complex coding tasks. This accelerates the development process and allows for faster iterations, enabling organizations to adapt to the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape.

3. Democratizing Innovation: Citizen developers bring diverse perspectives and domain expertise to the development process. Their involvement promotes innovation and allows for the creation of tailored solutions that cater to specific industry needs. This democratization of innovation fosters a more inclusive and collaborative development ecosystem.

4. Empowering Business Users: With low-code platforms, business users can actively participate in the application development process. They can ideate, prototype, and iterate on solutions, reducing the dependency on IT departments and enabling a more agile approach to application development.

5. Skills Development and Upskilling: Citizen developers have the opportunity to develop new skills and gain a deeper understanding of the Web3 landscape. As they engage with low-code platforms, they can gradually expand their technical capabilities and contribute to more complex projects over time.


The shortage of skilled developers in the Web3 transition presents a challenge, but the rise of citizen developers and low-code platforms offers a viable solution. By empowering individuals with domain expertise to create applications using intuitive visual interfaces and pre-built components, low-code platforms bridge the developer gap and foster a more inclusive Web3 ecosystem. The combination of citizen developers and low-code platforms democratizes innovation, accelerates application development, and enables organizations to adapt to the changing technological landscape. As Web3 continues to evolve, the active participation of citizen developers will play a crucial role in driving its widespread adoption and unlocking its transformative potential.



John Macy

John Macy is a visionary and thought leader in HR technology, Holochain, Metaverse, Web3, etc. & has written books & consulted to HR clients worldwide