Customer-Funded Startups: Empowering Web3 for Democratization of Data

John Macy
3 min readJun 10, 2023



The advent of Web3 brings the promise of a decentralized and democratized internet, where data ownership and control are in the hands of the people. To achieve this vision and prevent the dominance of big tech companies, customer-funded startups emerge as a vital avenue. This article explores why customer-funded startups are essential for fulfilling the ideals of Web3, enabling the democratization of data and empowering individuals.

Independence from Big Tech:

Big tech companies currently dominate the digital landscape, exerting significant control over data and online platforms. By relying on customer funding, startups can break free from the influence and ownership of these tech giants. Customer-funded startups are not bound by the demands of venture capitalists or large corporations, allowing them to prioritize the interests of their user base and maintain their independence in shaping the Web3 ecosystem.

Aligned Interests with Users:

Customer-funded startups are built on the principle of serving the needs and interests of their customers. When users become direct investors through funding mechanisms like crowdfunding or token sales, the alignment of interests strengthens. This empowers startups to prioritize data privacy, transparency, and user-centric features, aligning with the democratic ideals of Web3. With customers as their primary supporters, these startups are driven by the goal of empowering individuals rather than maximizing profits or exploiting user data.

Community-Driven Development:

Customer-funded startups foster a sense of community and collaboration. By involving users as investors, startups gain access to a valuable resource: the collective intelligence and passion of their user base. This participatory approach enables community-driven development, where users actively contribute to the roadmap, feature suggestions, and governance processes. Such collaborative efforts ensure that the Web3 platforms and technologies truly reflect the needs and aspirations of the people, creating a more inclusive and democratized digital landscape.

Transparency and Accountability:

One of the core tenets of Web3 is transparency and accountability. Customer-funded startups inherently embrace these principles as they are accountable to their customers who are also investors. They are more likely to be transparent about their data handling practices, algorithms, and decision-making processes. By prioritizing transparency, these startups build trust and foster a culture of accountability, distinguishing themselves from the opaque practices often associated with big tech companies.

Driving Innovation and Disruption:

Customer-funded startups have the potential to drive innovation and disrupt the status quo. With the backing of their user community, these startups can challenge existing centralized models and introduce novel approaches that empower individuals in data ownership and control. They can explore decentralized technologies, blockchain, and cryptographic protocols to enable secure and privacy-enhancing solutions. By fostering a competitive landscape, customer-funded startups push for continuous improvement, innovation, and the realization of the democratic ideals of Web3.


To fulfill the ideals of the democratization of data in the Web3 era and prevent the dominance of big tech companies, customer-funded startups play a vital role. These startups, fueled by the support and investment of their user community, prioritize user interests, community-driven development, transparency, and accountability. By breaking away from traditional funding models, customer-funded startups empower individuals and foster a more inclusive and democratic internet. It is through these startups that the vision of a decentralized and user-centric Web3 can truly be realized, ensuring that the power and control of data remain in the hands of the people.



John Macy

John Macy is a visionary and thought leader in HR technology, Holochain, Metaverse, Web3, etc. & has written books & consulted to HR clients worldwide