Embracing the Power of Modularity: Why HR Technology Products Should Redesign as Open Platforms

John Macy
3 min readJun 10, 2023



In the realm of HR technology, innovative solutions have transformed the way organizations manage their human resources processes. However, there is a growing need for HR technology products, like ServiceNow, to embrace the concept of open platforms and modular assembly. By redesigning their products as open platforms, these HR technology providers can unlock a world of possibilities, empowering organizations to tailor their HR systems to their unique needs while fostering innovation and collaboration within the industry.

Flexibility and Customization:

One of the primary benefits of an open platform for modular assembly is the enhanced flexibility and customization it offers. By allowing users to select and integrate modular components, HR technology products can be customized to suit specific organizational requirements. HR professionals can choose the functionalities they need and assemble them like building blocks, creating a tailored solution that fits their unique workflows and processes. This flexibility ensures that organizations can adapt and evolve their HR systems as their needs change, ultimately driving efficiency and productivity.

Interoperability and Integration:

An open platform approach encourages interoperability and seamless integration between different HR technology products and services. By providing standardized APIs and protocols, HR technology providers can enable smooth data exchange and interaction between various modules and systems. This interoperability fosters collaboration and allows organizations to leverage the best-of-breed solutions, integrating different tools and services seamlessly. It eliminates data silos, streamlines processes, and improves overall efficiency within the HR technology landscape.

Promoting Innovation and Collaboration:

Redesigning HR technology products as open platforms fosters a culture of innovation and collaboration within the industry. By providing developers and third-party vendors with the opportunity to create and contribute modular components, a vibrant ecosystem of specialized HR solutions can flourish. This collaborative approach enables rapid innovation, as developers can focus on building specific functionalities without reinventing the entire HR system. It also encourages knowledge sharing and promotes industry-wide best practices, driving the advancement of HR technology as a whole.

Scalability and Future-Proofing:

An open platform approach allows HR technology products to be more scalable and future-proof. As the HR landscape evolves and new technologies emerge, organizations can easily incorporate new modules or replace outdated ones without disrupting their entire HR system. This scalability ensures that HR technology products can adapt to changing business needs and technological advancements, enabling organizations to stay at the forefront of HR innovation and remain competitive in a dynamic market.


The time is ripe for HR technology products, like ServiceNow, to embrace the concept of open platforms and modular assembly. By redesigning their products to become open platforms, these HR technology providers can empower organizations to tailor their HR systems, foster interoperability, encourage innovation, and drive collaboration within the industry. The result will be a flexible, customizable, and future-proof HR technology ecosystem that meets the diverse needs of organizations and enables them to optimize their human resources processes in an ever-evolving business landscape



John Macy

John Macy is a visionary and thought leader in HR technology, Holochain, Metaverse, Web3, etc. & has written books & consulted to HR clients worldwide