Unleashing the Potential: EMROD’s Wireless Power Transmission and the HR-Governed Network with Microgrid Connectivity and Energy Trading

John Macy
3 min readJun 10, 2023



EMROD’s groundbreaking line of sight Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) microwave beaming solution has the potential to revolutionize the way electricity is transmitted and distributed. By connecting EMROD’s technology to an HR-governed network with microgrid connectivity and integration into the energy trading market, we can unlock even more benefits and opportunities. This article explores how this synergy can enhance EMROD’s solution, facilitating efficient power transmission, decentralized energy generation, and participation in the energy trading market.

Seamless Connectivity and Real-Time Monitoring:

By integrating EMROD’s Wireless Power Transmission technology into an HR-governed network, a seamless and robust connectivity infrastructure can be established. This enables real-time monitoring of power transmission parameters, system performance, and network health. With continuous monitoring and data analysis, any potential issues or inefficiencies can be promptly identified, allowing for quick remedial actions and optimizing the performance of the WPT system.

Microgrid Connectivity and Decentralized Energy Generation:

The HR-governed network with microgrid connectivity can facilitate the integration of EMROD’s WPT solution into localized microgrid networks. Microgrids are localized energy systems that can operate independently or in conjunction with the main power grid. By connecting EMROD’s technology to microgrids, communities, remote areas, and industries can benefit from reliable and efficient wireless power transmission. This empowers decentralized energy generation, reducing reliance on traditional centralized power plants and enhancing energy resilience and sustainability.

Energy Trading Market Participation:

An HR-governed network can provide the necessary infrastructure to connect EMROD’s WPT solution to the energy trading market. With the ability to transmit power wirelessly, excess energy generated in one location can be efficiently transferred and traded in real-time. Participating in the energy trading market enables the monetization of surplus energy, encourages renewable energy generation, and promotes a more efficient use of resources. EMROD’s technology, coupled with the HR-governed network, opens up new avenues for energy market participation and creates economic opportunities for various stakeholders.

Secure Data Management and Transactions:

An HR-governed network ensures secure data management and transactions within the wireless power transmission ecosystem. With proper authentication, data encryption, and access controls, sensitive information related to power transmission, energy trading, and system operations remains protected. This builds trust among participants and fosters the growth of a reliable and secure energy marketplace.

Scalability and Future Innovations:

The integration of EMROD’s WPT technology into an HR-governed network with microgrid connectivity and energy trading capabilities paves the way for future scalability and innovations. As the demand for clean and sustainable energy grows, this interconnected ecosystem can adapt and evolve to incorporate emerging technologies, such as renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and advanced grid management solutions. The HR-governed network provides a flexible and agile platform to support future innovations and ensure the continued success of EMROD’s WPT technology.


Connecting EMROD’s line of sight Wireless Power Transmission microwave beaming solution to an HR-governed network with microgrid connectivity and energy trading capabilities holds tremendous potential. This synergy enables seamless connectivity, decentralized energy generation, participation in the energy trading market, secure data management, and scalability. By harnessing the power of this interconnected ecosystem, we can pave the way for a sustainable and efficient future in power transmission and distribution, revolutionizing the energy landscape and driving the transition to clean and renewable sources of electricity.



John Macy

John Macy is a visionary and thought leader in HR technology, Holochain, Metaverse, Web3, etc. & has written books & consulted to HR clients worldwide