Software Equity Group Q3 2020 SaaS Valuation Update

John Mecke
Development Corporate
3 min readDec 10, 2020


There’s a reason why I haven’t published anything in a year- check out why at the end of this post.

The Software Equity Group has published their Q320 SaaS Public Market Update. You can download the entire report here. SaaS Valuations have reached record highs, in spite of the Covid-19 crisis.

SaaS Q3 2020 Valuation Context

Covid-19 has undoubtedly been a worldwide crisis:

Covid-19 YTD deaths

In spite of this grim chart, FANG stocks (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, & Google) have had significant YTD growth after cratering in March at the start of the crisis:

FANG YTD Performance

SEG SaaS Index Median Metrics

The Software Equity Group maintains data on 90+ public SaaS companies known as the SEG SaaS Index. Here are a number of key metrics from the past four quarters:



John Mecke
Development Corporate

John has over 25 years of experience in leading product management and corporate development organizations for enterprise firms.