Learn About the New Dragoon’s Specializations

5 min readMar 18, 2019


This “Pierced by Power” baddie, Malignant Screecher, was a Dragoon hero instead of a Warden. This is just in time for some changes to Dragoons, which were introduced in-game during the event. The changes were: 1) the catalysts to Evolve and Specialize Dragoons would be available in Heavenly Spire and the Hard Campaign; 2) players would now be able to Ascend their Dragoons– not just once but twice!

The Ascension has been a little confusing due to the fact that Specialized and Ascended Dragoons are now denoted by a pink-star frame in the same way that Ultimate Form Heroes are. However, Dragoons cannot (currently) get that bar up to six pink-stars the way that Ultimate Form Heroes can. Instead it follows this structure

One Pink-Star = Specialized

Two Pink-Stars = One level of Ascension

Three Pink-Stars = Second– and as of now– final level of Ascension

So, one pink-star means you’ve gotten your Dragoon to six-stars and then were able to get the catalysts to pick one of its four specializations (don’t worry we’ll go over Malignant Screecher’s specializations). Then Ascension happens after you’ve Specialized. Two pink-stars will earn you a higher Counter Skill level and three pink-stars will earn you a stronger Leader Skill. They will also receive a stat boost, so you’ll have overall higher Attack, Health, and Recovery.

Ascending Dragoons should make them even stronger GvG Attacking leaders than they were before. The idea is to make them as good as Ascended Wardens for GvG Defenders but we’ll see how that ultimately shakes out.

Now, once “Pierced by Power” ends, players who ranked on the leaderboards will earn a Malignant Screecher. Below we broke down the skills that each of the Specializations has so you can know which one you want to work towards.

All Specializations:

Leader Skill: Specialized Earth Dragoon

Increases Damage by 500%, Health by 600%, and Recovery by 800% for all Earth heroes in GvG attacks. Also, all heroes and relics that passively generate any Intensity, generate 20% more in GvG attacks, rounded down.

Ascended Leader Skill: Specialized Earth Dragoon II

Increases Damage by 750%, Health by 900%, and Recovery 1200% for all Earth heroes in GvG attacks. Also, all heroes and relics that passively generate any Intensity, generate 30% more in GvG attacks, rounded down.

1. Ancient Specialization

Battle Skill: Brier Bash

Spawns four Earth Gems. If the Overgrowth status is active then it will spawn Earth Power Gem IV’s instead.

Passive Skill: Grove Guardian

Cleanses one Enemy Debuff from a hero at the beginning of the turn.

Killer Skill: Immortal Killer I

Increases Damage by 200% while Immortal* enemies are present.

*Immortal Enemies are Demigod, God, Dren, and Elf type heroes.

Defender Skill: Alacrity VI

Every time this hero attacks, it has a chance to apply an Alacrity VI Debuff on up to five heroes for three turns.

Counter Skill: Dispel Fear VIII

Has a chance to remove the Fear Buff from all enemies.

2. God Specialization

Battle Skill: Plague of Wings

Creates four Earth Power Gem IV’s and activates the Swarm Buff for one turn. While active, Swarm creates two Power Gem IV’s every time a skill that increases the enemy’s turn counter is used.

Defender Skill: Might VI

Every time this hero attacks, it has a chance to apply a Might VI Buff on itself for five turns.

Counter Skill: Dispel Weaken VIII

Has a chance to remove the Weaken Debuff from all allies.

3. Spirit Specialization

Battle Skill: Workshop Revolt

Creates three Earth Power Gem II’s and places and Earth Power Gem IV* Trap for one turn.

*Earth Power Gem IV Trap: If you are hit while the trap is active then three Earth Power Gem IV’s will be created.

Killer Skill: Beast Killer I

Increases Damage by 200% while Beast* enemies are present.

*Beast enemies are Creature, Giant, and Dragon type heroes.

Defender Skill: Weaken VI

Every time this hero attacks, it has a chance to apply a Weaken VI Debuff on up to five heroes for three turns.

Counter Skill: Dispel Alacrity VIII

Has a chance to remove the Alacrity Debuff from all allies.

4. Corrupt Specialization

Battle Skill: Catch This!

Starts or increases an Earth Gemfall by 60 Gems, meaning the next 60 Gems to drop will have a high chance of being Earth Gems for one turn. This stacks with other Earth Gemfall skills. This ability can trigger Gretel, Sniping Falconer’s ability, Sugar Rush.

Passive Skill: Gingerfall Strength

If a Gemfall is active and Earth Gems are matched, Corrupt Heroes’ Attack will be increased by 10% per five Gemfall stacks for one turn.

Defender Skill: Fear VI

Every time this hero attacks, it has a chance to apply a Fear VI Buff on itself for one turn.

Counter Skill: Dispel Autoheal VIII

Has a chance to remove the Autoheal Buff from all enemies.

Those are all of Malignant Screecher’s Specializations! What do you think of them? Do you seen potential for a powerful GvG Attacking deck? Are you thinking of Ascending your Dragoons? Let us know in the comments!

