Zenon Social Analysis

6 min readJul 6, 2022


Art by znnAlien Dyddy

Hey aliens, hope all is well at your end.

Even with this painful bear market & price falling, the crypto industry continues to get tremendous traction from investment institutions, billionaires, and the ordinary public. Moreover, it’s our time to be better heard in the market and to build greater things that can’t be overlooked.

If you recall, I’ve started a survey questionnaire aiming to gather the community pulse regarding Zenon’s positioning & overall communication across social channels.

In the meantime, a lot of things have happened, some better, some worst whilst we’ve crossed uncertain times with less and less communication from the core team, but at the same time, the community takeover with the A-Z projects & #TheAliensKnow seems more exciting than ever.

I’ve compiled the insights from all the 72 aliens who responded and first of all, I want to express my gratitude for your answers & ongoing proactivity within this project.

I’ll split the article into the results & stats for all the questions, concluding with my main takeaways & next steps.


Other answers include mainly The block of finance Youtube video & 4Chan.

The next question asked the respondents what convinced them to invest in Zenon? Here are the screenshotted answers:

The next question is about the perception of the community among the Zenon communication, here are the answers:

The next question was asking respondents what does Zenon communication inspire?

Other answers here include: Zenon is satoshi’s Ethereum. The supergasmic network. built for aliens. Fast, Secure, Feeless, Decentralized Layer 1 protocol. More than you think. Fast, secure, decentralized & feeless Layer 1 Protocol. Next level BTC scaling solution. layer 1 with BTC Smart Contract functional.

Other catchphrases on the following question: ZENON THE ALIEN NETWORK. Feeless Omnichain. Next-gen layer 1. Zenon - might deliver after putting you through the ringer. The Super Intelligent Dual Ledger Protocol. the foundation of web3. uncompromised speed, security & decentralization. The future of cryptocurrency. Just get zenonized. Zenon — Bitcoin maxis hate it. Smart Bitcoin maxis love it.

The next question is:


The art of social media marketing can be a daunting job.

As you can see from the responses, the community responses vary a lot and can get very eclectic, and it’s somehow normal because social media is inherently subjective, some posts catch us, and some posts don’t.

Nevertheless, we can draw a common line from most of the responses. For example, most of the people got attracted by the whole schizo, conspiracies along with the mystery, the branding, and most clearly the community vibe.

These seem to be the emotional benefits that drove & kept you engaged here, but there are also some rational benefits mentioned, like the BTC interop deduction, as well as the whitepaper or the tech along with its feeless, secure, scalable capabilities.

I believe that in order to align our communication and to make the best out of it, it’s needed to rely on a more advanced process which I recommend each of you to mind map:

  1. The Zenon’s personas. Here are some great examples I found in a medium article that I think best describe the crypto main personas:
Image from Nare K.
Image from Nare K.
Image from Nare K.

These are some generic crypto personas that apply to Zenon as well, but there might be some others more specific.

So, do consider another type of a more specific persona? If yes, we should apply the structure above to these new personas or variations from the above personas.

2. Zenon’s seductive brand ladder.

The next stage after defining the key personas of Zenon is to reflect on our values & purpose as a community, and how would we like to make people feel about us. Basically what would be the emotional benefits, rational benefits, and differentiation.

Here again, I consider that our main values are:

  1. Authentic decentralization ( noVC & leaderless, entirely community-driven & contribution-rewarded)
  2. Schizo & Fun
  3. Secure & Safety (on-chain, own nodes)
  4. Tech innovation — combining tech to enable greater efficiency (dual-ledger, censorship-resistant, feeless paradigm, BTC interop)
  5. Prosperity (APRs)
  6. Mystery (I personally this doesn’t apply anymore as the idea of a DAO would require full transparency on the things we’re all working on).

I’d pick only 3 from these options (my picks: 1,2,3)

Now, what’s our vision & mission?

Bring fun to the crypto world? Achieve BTC interop? Build the largest ecosystem? Build the greatest ecosystem? Give anyone ownership & security via the embedded node? All can work, but here’s my idea:

  1. Vision: Inspire & fulfill a leaderless decentralization & collaboration to shape digital economies of scale without any tradeoffs.
  2. Mission: Powering Bitcoin with Zenon’s scalable & feeless properties

Now, considering all these, I believe the social media & overall content should belong & be nuanced regarding the personas, values, vision, and mission we’ll agree on.

Afterward, the main idea is to communicate with knowledge, professionalism, boldness & even hype in those directions while mixing the content type between educative, engaging & entertaining.

Also, here are some things you can write about when posting about Zenon:

  • Tech-related (speed, security, decentralization, feeless, ZTS potential usabilities, BTC interoperability, Accelerator-Z, dual-coin, dual-ledger, interoperability)
  • Economy-related (APRs, LP rewards, price stats, rewards stats)
  • DAO-related (initiatives, ideas, votes, public support, or feedback)
  • Buy enforces
  • External events whilst mentioning Zenon

Plz do this exercise, and define the values, vision & mission of Zenon and let’s pick some if order to advance in this complex, but crucial process.

Tnx, more to come zoon




Tech entrepreneur & Web3 colonist constantly trying to harness the chaos.