How To Get A+ In Math Exam

20 Tips

John Marsh
2 min readApr 23, 2014

Math is a challenging subject for many students. Every student wants A+ in the math exam. However, there are some techniques you can follow and get the best possible grades in math exam. With the bit of hard work and determination, nearly you can improve your grades. There are some tips to get A+ in math exam.

1. Attend scheduled classes every day. Pay attention during the class.

2. Set a goal, it will help you to do better.

3. Make a solid foundation along with the fundamentals of math. Ask your tutor to help you with the basics of arithmetic, pre algebra, trig help and Geometry Help.

4. Build the study habits in the beginning of your school days.

5. Know the exam material.

6. Listen carefully during the class hour and take dedicated notes.

7. Complete homework and assignments on time.

8. Focus more on hard topics.

9. Practice as many as problem you can. Practice example problems.

10. Focus more on assignment and homework problem.

11. Conduct a self math test, analyze your mistakes and determined how can you reduce the mistakes.

12. Neatness also matter for the exam. Pay attention to neatness.

13. Learn time management. Many students are very slow in writing, increase your writing speed.

14. Take Live Math Help to develop logical reasoning and problem solving skills.

15. Have a positive attitude it can make a huge difference in your grades.

16. Study everyday for better understanding.

17. Never give up always try for better.

18. Learn using scientific calculator.

19. Review important formulas and rules before the exam. Refer other books and methods to solve problems.

20. Recheck your answer sheet carefully.

Math is a subject in which you can get A+ easily, only thing is you need to have positive attitude and a bit hard work. Follow the above tips for improving your grades. Seek a tutor advice they know many different approaches to learn.



John Marsh

Enthusiastic, Optimistic, Nature Lover. An Education Counselor by Profession