5 ways to prioritize right amidst the Coronavirus crisis?

John Marsh
4 min readApr 8, 2020


5 Powerful lessons for the students across the world during COVID 19.

No one knew that the world would come to a standstill to a ‘pneumonia of unknown cause.’ Many are still grappling with the aftereffects and others are assailed by a sense of isolation in times like this. But the community that has shown the most resilience is the students worldwide as they turned to online learning during the WHO declared pandemic.

As the schools, colleges, Universities and campuses shut across countries to contain the spread of COVID 19, soon online tutors shouldered the responsibility that learning should not stop. This is one example of what needs to be prioritized at a time like this.

COVID 19 is helping us realize what should be regarded as a top priority. Just like it has scorched our conscience back to life, making us realize that family and necessities are the basic things needed, in short giving us a practical lesson on minimalist living. Here are the 5 powerful lessons about what should be regarded as critical amidst Coronavirus scare.

Lesson 1


One always has the agency to exercise control and define themselves. COVID 19 has taught us that we can choose as young adults and shoulder social responsibility by staying at home, isolating oneself, self quarantine and washing our hands frequently.

Lesson 2

Wildlife Conservation

For the students, it is a powerful lesson on the importance of wildlife conservation. It is teaching us the importance of ecological balance, biodiversity and why it is important to maintain habitat. If ignored, we are paying the price as the world has knelt to a microscopic entity and natural selection is at play.

Lesson 3

STEM studies vs. Humanities

Albeit important, nevertheless humanities is often the most ignored subject choice. COVID 19 teaches us when everything has come to a halt, we have turned to artists, music and literature to celebrate life. For all those hoping to pursue STEM careers (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) remember to study virology and the butterfly effect a nano entity is having on our lives.

Lesson 4

Global village

The virus needed no passport to travel across the world. It definitely falsified the North-South divide and defied man-made boundaries. What can be more powerful than the fact that in the times of crisis we realized that we are a global village, connected by technology. For instance, a tutor sitting in the USA taking a class of Chinese students, because no option has left for learning, except hiring an online tutor. At the most challenging time, we became global citizens relying on each other’s support.

Lesson 5

Opportunity Cost

It is defined as “the loss of other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.” Today the lesson of Economics is clear, what is in store for us if we choose to save the economy over humanity.

As Easter is around the corner, let’s resurrect as better human beings and an upgraded version of ourselves once we emerge from the crisis.

Did I miss something, do you think I should mention other things in this blog? Why don’t you remind me over the comments section? Adios till then fellas!!!



John Marsh

Enthusiastic, Optimistic, Nature Lover. An Education Counselor by Profession