Jean claude adjanohoun
2 min readOct 20, 2023

Mastering LeetCode: The 75 Blind LeetCode Questions


LeetCode has become the go-to platform for practicing and mastering coding skills. Blind LeetCode questions are those problems that you’ve never seen before. They challenge your problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and creativity. In this article, we’ll present a list of 75 blind LeetCode questions, but we’ll focus on providing a list of easy questions to help you get started on your journey to become a proficient coder.

The Value of Blind LeetCode Questions

Blind LeetCode questions are a crucial part of preparing for technical interviews. They mimic the unpredictable nature of real-world coding challenges you might face during interviews. Solving these problems will not only boost your problem-solving skills but also improve your ability to think on your feet.

The 75 Blind LeetCode Questions

Here is the complete list of 75 blind LeetCode questions, categorized by their difficulty level (Easy, Medium, and Hard):

Easy Blind LeetCode Questions:

  1. Two Sum
  2. 2. Reverse Integer
  3. 3. Palindrome Number
  4. 4. Roman to Integer
  5. 5. Longest Common Prefix
  6. 6. Valid Parentheses
  7. 7. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
  8. 8. Implement strStr()
  9. 9. Search Insert Position
  10. 10. Count and Say
  11. 11. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  12. 12. Maximum Subarray
  13. 13. Length of Last Word
  14. 14. Plus One
  15. 15. Add Binary
  16. 16. Valid Palindrome
  17. 17. Implement Queue using Stacks
  18. 18. Majority Element
  19. 19. Climbing Stairs
  20. 20. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
  21. 21. Add Digits
  22. 22. Palindrome Linked List
  23. 23. Intersection of Two Linked Lists
  24. 24. Symmetric Tree
  25. 25. Min Stack
  26. 26. Merge Sorted Array
  27. 27. Excel Sheet Column Title
  28. 28. Two Sum II — Input array is sorted
  29. 29. First Unique Character in a String
  30. 30. Reverse String

Medium and Hard Blind LeetCode Questions:

(Note: To access the medium and hard questions, please refer to the LeetCode platform, where you can filter by difficulty level.)


Mastering LeetCode is a journey that requires practice, dedication, and persistence. Blind LeetCode questions are an excellent way to prepare for the unexpected challenges that technical interviews can present. While we’ve listed 75 blind LeetCode questions, we’ve focused on providing a list of easy questions to get you started. As you gain confidence and expertise, you can gradually tackle the medium and hard questions. Happy coding!

Jean claude adjanohoun

Software Engineer at Accenture| I love talking about Data structures and Algorithms | Time and Space Complexity (Big O notation ) Frontend Dev | CODING IS FUN