CS 371p Fall 2024: John Borkowski, Week 2

John Borkowski
3 min readSep 9, 2024


What are you most proud of for doing last week?

I would say that I am most proud of getting all my work done in time this week, which is something I typically struggle with, as well as keeping up in class along with lecture, as I typically find myself just ignoring what is said in class and learning it on my own later, however the interactive aspect to the lecture greatly helps me pay attention and be attentive during class time.

What ability or skill did you use to make that moment the most proud of?

The skill I used to make this the moment that I was most proud of during the week is the assessment and management of my own time. I leveraged some technologies, of which I list below such as Notion, of which I heavily rely on and are directly linked to some other platforms I use such as google calander to manage my time, and due to this I was able to go backpacking in the Big Bend this week

What impact did what you do have on other people?

My use of my personal time management did not have a direct impact on people, however I organized a event for my wakeboard team, to which we rented out two boats and a lake house in lake travis of which accommodated around 50 people, of which I found time to do by organizing a schedule. I also orchestrated a camping trip of which was executed nicely, where four of us saw the milky way during one of the best times out of the year to go star gazing in the Big Bend.

What did you think of Paper #1. Syllabus?

I thought this was a very cool assignment which helped clear up many aspects of the courses design in a very efficient manner, as many students had to annotate and fully conceptualize at the same time in a sort of collaborative manner on what each line was saying, of which was later cleared up. I believe it is one of, if not the most effective syllabus assignments I have taken, as I believe general syllabus quizes just insentivizes searching through the syllabus or memorizing sometimes inherently useless things that the person will just forget immedlately, and only search the syllabus again when the information is relevant, such as the specific rooms for office hours.

What did you think of Docker and operator overloading?

I believe docker is a extremely important tool, and your ability to leverage such technologies being an inherently important skill. As I read more about docker during the week, I figured more and more ways I could leverage such technologies, and finally even implementing my own docker containers for personal projects that I have been meaning to deploy, of which I am deploying on my friends docker server, most notably a django website for my wakeboard team (digital ocean droplets were more expensive than hosting a Django container, for some reason), and a volatility model for a personal statistics project I have been working on. I also believe that operator overloading is very important and essential to the nature of object oriented programming, as you are allowing operators to be done on user defined objects, which I believe to be very important with structure and simplicity of code.

What made you happy this week?

Staring into the sky at midnight during the big bend made me very happy. I did not have a phone or any cellular device (somewhat by choice) for about 2 days, which was also very nice and made me happy. Also working at Austin Bouldering Project was super fun, and went wakesurfing on travis twice this week really helped me balance my workload and fun.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is to use a database and note managment platform called Notion. Notion really helps me be productive and organize my life, from everything such as personal projects that I currently working on, to campus organizations, to class work, notes, and even job applications, I am really able to build a organization structure that works for me and go through and organize my life.

