The State, South Carolina John Alexander Webb A Recognized Professional in Healthcare

Dr. John Webb
2 min readAug 4, 2017

Born in The State South Carolina, John Alexander Webb studied at Regent’s University enrolling for a bachelor’s degree in science. He later on joined the healthcare fraternity after graduating and endeavored to grow and develop his profession. Sadly, John was born prematurely and it was discovered that he had a condition known as talipes equinovarus which in simple terms means that he was born with severe clubbed feet. Interestingly, this did not put John down for he beat all odds to go after his passion. John Alexander Webb MD account on DeviantArt has so many milestones about him.

John Webb South Carolina interest in health care has made him work as the Director of Health First. His top agenda is usually to give people of all walks of life quality health care disregarding their financial ability. What John believes in is that all of us have the right to quality health care no matter whether we are poor or rich. John is a renowned professional healthcare personality who uses his skills to provide high quality healthcare to everyone. He has since dedicated most of his time to community work where he has been volunteering for a number of organizations one of them being Habitat for Humanity.

Besides his interest in healthcare, John Webb is also a mentor, motivator and inspirational speaker. Many students at Sonovista high school have been mentored by John Alexander Webb. He encourages young people not to give up in life no matter the challenges but rather believe in themselves and have a desire to beat all odds that might discourage them making them not reach their desired goals. As a motivator and mentor he specializes in talking to people of all walks of life to handle what comes there way in a positive manner and having the ability of doing things uniquely, in a different way from others. John Alexander Webb South Carolina insists that if you want to stand out in a certain area you have to be unique.



Dr. John Webb

Dr. John Webb is based out of Myrtle Beach, SC, currently residing in Boston and serving as COO at Men’s Health Boston, through Harvard.