Harnessing the Power of the Third Eye for Manifestation: A Guided Meditation

John Barrister
4 min readJun 17, 2024


Pranaam, Namaste to everyone. Today, we embark on a powerful journey through a guided meditation that utilizes the Third Eye portal to help manifest our desires more quickly and effectively. By tapping into the creator energy from our energy center and channeling it towards opening the Third Eye, we can accelerate the manifestation process and enhance our spiritual awareness. This practice may also involve activating the pineal gland, a significant aspect of spiritual awakening.

Photo by Erik Brolin on Unsplash

Setting the Stage for Meditation

To begin this powerful meditation, find a comfortable and quiet space where you can sit with your back straight. It is essential to ensure that you won’t be distracted, so if you are not accustomed to sitting for long periods and experience backaches, use a chair with a backrest. If sitting in Sukhasana (cross-legged position) is uncomfortable for you, simply place your feet flat on the ground to keep them grounded.

Preparation and Positioning

Once you are ready, sit up straight and place your left palm down, resting it gently, with your right palm on top, thumbs slightly touching. This hand position helps to stabilize and center your energy. Now, gently close your eyes and take a deep inhale, followed by a slow exhale. Repeat this deep breathing a few times to relax your mind and body, letting go of any distractions.

Focusing on the Third Eye

Begin by placing your attention on your Third Eye Chakra, located between your eyebrows. As you focus on this area, you might feel a slight pressure or sensation, similar to a mild headache. This is a sign that your energy is concentrating at the Third Eye. Keep your focus steady and free from distractions.

Breathing into the Third Eye

Next, take a deep inhale, drawing the breath from your Root Chakra all the way up to your Third Eye. Hold the breath and visualize a bright light opening up at the Third Eye. When you can no longer hold your breath, slowly exhale, keeping the light at the Third Eye active. Repeat this process a few times, enhancing the light with each inhale and exhale.

Visualizing and Amplifying the Light

With your focus still on the Third Eye, continue to visualize the light growing brighter and more powerful. Imagine yourself seated in the center of this light, experiencing its brilliance and energy. This is the Third Eye portal, a gateway to other dimensions and higher states of consciousness.

Moving into the Third Eye Portal

Now, prepare to move your spirit into the Third Eye portal. On the count of three, visualize and move your spirit forward into the Third Eye, arriving at the center of the light. As you enter this space, notice the shift in energy. It becomes more peaceful and blissful, an ideal environment for manifestation.

Manifesting Your Desires

While in this higher dimension, place your attention on the Third Eye and visualize a very bright light. Walk into this light and visualize your desired manifestation clearly. Whether it’s money, relationships, career, or lifestyle, see it happening right in front of you. Experience it as if it is happening now, feeling the joy, excitement, and gratitude of living your dream.

There’s a secret 30-second CIA hand trick you can use to activate your pineal gland, open your third eye and manifest anything you desire… almost instantly

Amplifying Emotions

Allow your emotions to amplify as you visualize your manifestation. Feel the sensations in every cell of your body, embracing the beauty and power of your desires. The energy and emotions you generate in this state are the driving force behind your manifestations.

Returning to the Physical Dimension

To return to the physical dimension, take a deep inhale while focusing on the Third Eye, and then slowly exhale. Visualize yourself sitting in the center of the portal and gradually close off the light at the Third Eye. Take another deep inhale and exhale, relaxing and grounding yourself back into your physical reality.

Integrating the Manifestation Powers

Rub your palms together to generate energy and place them over your eyes, ears, and neck to activate your senses and integrate the powers received during the meditation. Finally, place your left palm over your solar plexus (stomach) and your right palm over your left, taking a deep inhale to feel the warmth and energy infusing into your body.

Enhancing Manifestation with Infinity Bands

For those using Infinity Bands, these consecrated tools can enhance your meditation and manifestation process. Place the Infinity Band in front of you during the meditation, visualizing yourself sitting within it as you enter the Third Eye portal. When you return to the physical reality, wear the Infinity Band to carry the vibrations of your manifestation, reinforcing your intentions throughout the day.


Thank you for joining me in this powerful meditation for manifestation. By accessing the Third Eye portal, you can accelerate the manifestation of your desires and enhance your spiritual journey. Incorporate this practice regularly to experience the profound benefits of an open Third Eye and a connected, intuitive self. Namaste.

There’s a secret 30-second CIA hand trick you can use to activate your pineal gland, open your third eye and manifest anything you desire… almost instantly

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John Barrister

John Barrister, born in 1977 in a quaint town nestled between the sea and the lake, has always been enchanted by the power of storytelling, from an early age.