Your Attitude Towards Aging Might Affect Your Odds Of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease

Surprising results of a Yale study

John Bianchi
12 min readJun 6, 2019

How do you feel about aging? The answer to that question really depends on who it’s being asked of, right? If you’re under 40, this question probably seldom enters your mind. Like relationships, raising kids, and paying bills.

However, for those of you over 40 who know your body is starting to betray you, it might be a question that’s been entering your mind more often these days.

So, how do you feel about aging? Do you embrace the fact that you’re going to be a senior one day or do you despise it?

Your answer to the question really matters because it can profoundly affect how well you age.

A study conducted last year by the Yale School of Public Health showed that how you feel about your own aging can have a profound impact on your risk of developing dementia and even Alzheimer’s disease.

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Currently, about 10% of Americans over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, AD accounts for only about 60% — 70% of dementia cases. Comedian Robin Williams was suffering from…



John Bianchi

Retired podiatrist, 62 yrs old. Healed from a 28 year bout with chronic fatigue syndrome. Now keto & strength training. More about me: