Springing Into Fitness

John Bohonyi
3 min readMar 23, 2018


Learn how to get a fresh start on your health and fitness goals this spring season

Well, spring has arrived! Often seen as the season of rebirth, many are now looking to use this period to get healthy and fit so they can be at their peak for the summer. With such productive goals, here are five rock solid ways to set you up for success on your way to fulfilling them. This spring, healthy living is just a few small steps away!


Who didn’t see this one coming? There are few things that are as or more important to your health, well-being, and longevity than exercise, so why not take advantage of the nice weather to start up a routine? Even just taking daily walks can do wonders for your heart, endurance, and mental health. But, there’s no reason you need to stop there! If you want to look and feel great this summer, you can’t go wrong with moderate to vigorous exercise.


Yes, another obvious yet vital building block is proper dieting. Spring leads to the blossoming of so many fruits and vegetables, so why not add a few to your diet? Many necessary minerals can be found in abundance in leafy greens and other vegetables (not to mentioned the fiber) and fruits contain no shortage of great vitamins. Not only are these foods a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, but they will make you feel physically refreshed and mentally charged in no time!

Visiting the Doctor

A crucial step that often gets overlooked, seeing your physician is a great way to gauge where your health is at and what concrete steps you can take to improve upon it. Not only do doctors have a vast array of medical knowledge to draw upon, but they can also help you set up a health and fitness plan or list of goals so that you know exactly what you need to do to get where you want to be. And what better time to do it all than spring? You can finally get your allergies taken care of!


A simple but easily underestimated key to a healthy life, just 15 to 30 minutes of mindfulness meditation can do wonders for your health. Stress, anxiety, and irritability are always chronic problems most of us have to deal with, and early in the spring you might still be feeling some residual winter blues. Mindfulness helps alleviate all of those problems (and more) so that you can clear your head space and get back to a base level of stability and satisfaction. If you’d like, you can even go out into the flourishing spring nature and meditate there. It doesn’t get much better than that!


A basic one, sleep might get overlooked the most as a way to become a healthier person. Depending on your schedule, it can be tough to fit in the suggested number of hours of sleep each night. Whenever you do decide to go to bed though, stick to a consistent timeline: Your body’s circadian rhythm can only handle so much! It’s also best to try to shoot for a solid 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night so that your body and brain can both be fully recharged during your rest. The sunlight is a welcome reprieve from winter gloom, but everyone still needs to sleep!

While many of these ideas may seem obvious, you would be surprised how many people are not taking advantage of them to improve their health and fitness. Do yourself a favor and start spring cleaning your daily routine to incorporate effective healthy habits.

Leave your suggestions and personal health and fitness tips in the comments below!



John Bohonyi

http://johnbohonyi.com/ New York Giants and general sports fan with a passion for health and fitness.