All my books and where to find them

John Bonello
2 min readJan 21, 2018


Let’s go with a brief history first. Once upon a time, most probably on some dark and stormy night, I started writing. Several years later, my first self-published novel made it to the shelves of Maltese bookstores.

The initial response was encouraging and I wrote more. And then some more. My second and subsequent novels were published by Merlin Publishers, the best publishing house on the island. I won awards, I got great reviews. With the intention of experimenting and trying out new things, in 2017 I started my own imprint, Serafin Books.

Not all of my books are available in English yet, and only a handful can be digested electronically. But slowly, I’ll get there …

Books in English

  • The Manduca Case (Virtual Investigator #01, Serafin Books, 2017) — Available in eBook, but paperback version coming soon.
  • The Taàr (Dystopia #01, Serafin Books, 2017) — Available in eBook or Paperback
  • The Transmissions (Serafin Books, 2019)— Available on Kindle.

Books in Spanish

  • El caso Manduca (Investigador Virtual, Serafin Books, 2018) Paperback or eBook.

Books in Maltese

  • Il-Każ Manduca (Investigatur Virtwali #01, Merlin Publishers, 2015) — winner of the Malta National Book Award 2016, Children 8 to 12
  • Il-Każ tas-Serqiet Strambi (Investigatur Virtwali #02, Merlin Publishers, 2016) — winner of the Malta National Book Award 2017, Children 8 to 12
  • Il-Każ tal-Gżejjer tat-Teżor (Investigatur Virtwali #03, Merlin Publishers, 2018)
  • It-Tielet Qamar (Il-Logħba tal-Allat #01, Merlin Publishers, 2008)
  • L-Aħħar Ħolma (Il-Logħba tal-Allat #02, Merlin Publishers, 2010) — winner of the Malta National Book Award 2011, books for Young Adults
  • Is-Sitt Aħwa (Il-Logħba tal-Allat #03, Merlin Publishers, 2012) — winner of the Malta National Book Award 2013, books for Young Adults
  • It-Taàr (Distopja #01, Serafin Books, 2017) — Available in eBook or Paperback
  • Fil-Mergħat tal-Impossibbli (Unus Mundus #01, Merlin Publishers, 2013)
  • Jien, Wieħed Minnhom (Unus Mundus #02, Merlin Publishers, 2015)
  • Żero (Merlin Publishers, 2018) Adattament għall-Malti mit-Taljan tal-ktieb Io Sono Zero ta’ Luigi Ballerini

Here’s where you can find more info:

