John Bouley
5 min readJan 2, 2024

Can we handle the truth?

On November 22nd, 1963 everything changed! Along with a Camelot presidency, the innocence of a country that showed so much promise for a bright and prosperous future seemed to have come to an end. What happened on that day and the truth remains a topic of intense interest and speculation. The official investigation known as the Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating president John F Kennedy. However, the facts of the case seem to be terribly flawed, and with the release of testimonies of the doctors that were trying to save the president’s life at Parkland Hospital in Dallas Texas, describe the evidences as quite controversial, compared to the Warren Commissions outcome of the case. To this very day, numerous conspiracy theories continue to persist.

The release of further documents

In recent years, newly declassified documents and evidence have begun to shed light on various aspects on the assassination. Let’s talk about October 26th, 2017. US president Donald Trump ordered the unveiling of 2,800 documents related to the 1963 assassination of JFK, but then yielded to pressure from the FBI and the CIA to block the release of other records to be revised further. Keep in mind that Congress had ordered in 1992 that all and I will repeat, all remaining sealed files pertaining to the…



John Bouley

Author of The Changing Tides (I'm just saying). I enjoy writing poetry and short stories