How Playing Games Resets My Energy Tank

John Cepoi
4 min readDec 25, 2022

If you’ve been working on any kind of self-development, you’ll always try to improve. Whether through books, seminars, or watching videos online. Self-improvement is all about striving to do and be more. If you have a job and want that promotion then you should work harder. Let the job consume your thoughts until you become indispensable.

While there is some truth to all this, it’s only a partial truth. The world has changed a lot. You can’t expect people to work hard anymore. With all the red tape and bureaucracy that exists in companies today, it’s impossible. It’s less of a hassle to start a business instead.

But even saying all this there is one point that self-development tries to steer you away from. You are led to believe that in order to be successful you need to be obsessed with your vision of the future. Yet you never get to take a pause and refill your tank. While your vision may be strong, it can’t be in your mind 24/7. That is unless you want to be taken to an asylum.

You become very one-dimensional when you only focus on one thing. Obsession is good in moderated quantities. This means that you can take a break at some points to experience more of what life has to offer. To me, that is playing games. It doesn’t matter which kind of game as long as it allows me to detach from the working day.



John Cepoi

Author x4, Life Coach & Relationship Expert. Helping busy professionals become their best selves and attract the right partner.