John CongdoninDiegoDev GroupHow Mysql/Oracle and PostgreSQL Could Make SQL Injection Almost PointlessLet me start off by saying that I am not a DBA. Everything you are about to read may not be doable at all.Jul 19, 2018Jul 19, 2018
John CongdoninDiegoDev GroupAsterisk, AGI, and The Dreaded 510 Invalid or unknown commandLately, I have been upgrading some Asterisk boxes for one of our clients, And I ran across this error and spent plenty of…Jul 11, 2018Jul 11, 2018
John CongdoninDiegoDev GroupAsterisk ConfBridge AMI PermissionsI’ve been using the Asterisk PBX software for around 15 years at this point. It’s a product that is used in my infrastructure, but not one…Jan 23, 2018Jan 23, 2018