“The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living”

John Crabtree
4 min readJul 11, 2024


The title of this piece is a quote attributed to Socrates

This was said during a trial, where he was ultimately sentenced to death

As it is told through his apprentice Plato, we see that Socrates was willing to die for what he believed to be right

That in order to truly live a meaningful life, we must question the way things are

Our society, our institutions, our government, our roles, and most importantly ourselves

Today, I found myself diving deeply into self-reflection

Sometimes, looking internally at myself feels like the last thing I want to do

It is much easier to find ways to stay busy

To let urgency take precedence over what is really important

Self-Reflection is only possible when we slow ourselves down

When we disconnect from the pings, notifications, and external demand for our attention

We must let go the noise, we must allow ourselves to become still

Self-Reflection takes a great deal of Mindfulness, of Self-Awareness

As I thought more about the process of Self-Reflection, the state of Mindfulness, a lightbulb turned-on inside my mind

So much of what I write about relates to our Paradigms

The way in which we see things

The underlying perspective driving the narrative that plays in our heads

While we might have awareness of the surface-level story and role we hold

Teacher, employee, father, coach, student, spouse etc.…

The deeper Paradigms are still invisible to us

Without true self-reflection, our internal scripting remains unseen

While in motion, a part of our soul remains inaccessible

The surface-level-story is enough to “get by”

In the day-to-day busyness of life, we don’t prioritize the time and focus it takes to look deeper

Once a base-level is established, we return to busyness

Looking further becomes difficult

“Why spent the time going deeper?”

“There is so much to do”

We’ve become so accustomed to instant gratification, that anything more seems inefficient

Yet, until we create the space to disconnect, we will remain wound up

We find short-term comfort in unexamined lives, by pointing to our production

We can look to our external accomplishments as justification for our busyness

Perhaps this is the way you want to live?

And if so, please carry on as you are

But do you ever feel like you are on auto-pilot?

That your life is consumed by external circumstances?

There is no time for any self-reflection, you are just trying to survive

Almost as if all you are doing everything you can, just to keep your head above water

Without moving any closer towards the shore….

If so, it may be time to get uncomfortable

To slow yourself down enough to examine your life

What really matters? What is really important?

You aren’t going to find answers to these questions while in motion

You must push yourself, to stop pushing yourself

I believe we have all become addicted to stimulation

This makes it that much harder to disconnect

But through internal reflection, mediation, and introspection, things start to slow down

Once things begin to slow down, we begin to see what is driving our narratives

Identifying what is driving the narrative, allows us to finally see the underlying Paradigm

Can you guess what is driving your narrative?

It is your own emotion, the emotion kept unseen by remaining in motion

Your Paradigm is Shaped by your Feelings

Yet it Shapes our Feelings

How you See is a product of How you Feel

How you Feel determines what you Allow Yourself to See

To understand How We See, we must stop running from that which we Refuse to Feel

Anger, frustration, fear, sadness, vengeance, pain, grief

We seem to do everything in our power to protect ourselves from these negative emotions

Society screams “Take the Quick Fix Pill in order stay in motion!”

The process of self-protection creates a Paradigm of Refusal

We are determined to escape this suffering

Yet in the process, we end up escaping ourselves

To deny that is which part of life, is to deny ourselves

And suffering is a part of life

Given this, here is how I see the process

In order to truly become self-aware of our scripts, we have to become open to suffering

In order to become open to suffering, we must acknowledge that we subconsciously strive to deny it

In order to let go of our own denial, we must slow ourselves down

In order to slow ourselves down, we must allow ourselves to sit still

This is not a Quick Fix

The process takes practice, effort, dedication, and time

And when we find ourselves finally sitting still

Our eyes are finally opened to the previous scripting

We are now able to truly examine our lives from a new perspective

Our deep internal Paradigms become visible

We finally we able to see ourselves from the Inside-Out

Our lives become open to examination

Do you want to see the light?

