How to win your Facebook argument

John David Back
Rx3 Magazine
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2016

I’ll cut right to the chase on this one — you really can’t. Take a look a bell curve — if average intelligence is right at the top, that means half the people anywhere are stupider than average.

Credit: Abhijit. When I’m on FB I am one of those little red guys

The problem with Facebook is the same problem with every single interaction you have over the internet — it’s over the internet. You are not in person. You cannot shout, you cannot raise your voice, you cannot through watering eyes show just how important it is that you understand my point of view!

That explains the whole breakdown. Start to finish. I don’t give a shit if it’s your own mother, there is a fundamental inability to effectively communicate emotion with others on the internet. And let’s be serious, if you are vilifying Hillary Clinton or decrying the deleterious effects of a Trump presidency, you are emotional. You are not a philosopher. You are not a political science expert. You are you, someone with a smartphone who thinks their opinion is as good or better than everyone else’s.

And it is absolutely not.

Your opinion is garbage. You probably snickered at Gary Johnson for not knowing about Aleppo but if I gave you a blank map of the Middle East, could you name all the countries? Exactly. You’re familiar with the 2nd Amendment because you’re sure it’s going to get burned along with a mountain of Bibles, but can you name the rest?

I sure as shit can’t.

Good luck.

So take your own gaps in knowledge, multiply them by the amount of people in your Friends List, and that’s how much lunacy is on Facebook for you every single time you sit down to take a shit and go to war.

I thought I hated Facebook because it was pictures of people’s babies and them drinking in bars and other asinine garbage, but I really hate it because it’s a place where people defend sexual assault, marginalize minorities, share misleading and dangerous information, and otherwise don’t know how to spell or use good old fashioned American Grammar.

Do me a favor. If you can recite the Gettysburg Address from memory, you have my permission to rant on Facebook about politics. If not, post pictures of your lunch and leave it at that.

