#TweetPiece 1: I Saw Leaves on Cars Today.

2 min readOct 20, 2020


#TweetPiece is this random idea I just had to write an article, story, poem or piece inspired by a random tweet I see, and just publish every week. Because why not? The goal is to purge, even if no one hears you shit…right?

“I saw leaves on cars today.” - Lionel Ikeh

First week inspired by Lionel Ikeh’s tweet above. (@lionel_ikey on twitter)

I Saw Leaves on Cars Today.

I saw leaves on cars today.

My great grandmother’s funeral. I cry as I stretch from my mum’s arms trying in vain to grab a leaf, wriggling away like I could even walk if she let me.

I saw leaves on cars today.

My lesson teacher says the Head of State is dead. At first I wonder why everyone is happy someone died, but I join in the mirth when she sends us home.

I saw leaves on cars today.

My friend’s sister and classmates were in a plane crash. The black cars are all covered with so many shades of beautiful flowers.

I saw leaves on cars today.

The country is on the way to change.Occupy Nigeria is going to work and pave a new way. It will be hard, but it will work.

I saw leaves on cars today.

Third Aluta of the semester because they’v refused to give us water to drink or light to see and read. Staff Workers hang whole branches on their vehicles in solidarity, campus streets looking like it’s Palm Sunday.

I saw leaves on cars today.

Burnt leaves on miles of burnt cars and buses, and a smoky overturned tanker sets in the sunset. And people walking past, numb to the bone.

I saw leaves on cars today.

Green, brown, yellow covering cars in these Hamburg streets. They fall in protest of the looming cold curfews at home…and at home.

I saw leaves on cars today.

