Beginners Crypto Guide to Continuation Chart Patterns

Crypto Account Builders
6 min readOct 13, 2018

A major part of technical analysis is determining whether to buy in or sell out of a formidable crypto trade. Kenny Rogers always use to say, “know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, and know when to run”.

If you’re under 25, you probably have no clue what the hell I’m talking about, so just disregard my 80’s reference or go ask your dad.

Moving on…

These crucial chart patterns help traders forecast future price movements. It doesn’t matter which coin you’re trading, these bad boys show up all over the charts.

Continuation chart patterns DO NOT predict the future (wouldn’t that be nice). However, they do help with locating the “probability of movement” within a particular trend. I promise these powerful buy and sell signals will help you make much more accurate investment decisions. Scouts honor!

Study the chart patterns I outline for you below. If all else fails, we can always fall back on the Dolorean and predict our way to crypto riches.

Continuation Chart Patterns — Which Way Does it Go?



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