Teaching Coding Using Games

3 min readOct 5, 2016


Coding and programming are 21st century skills that every child should have access to. Much of the material that’s out there now is either unexciting or hard to get started with. We wanted to develop a game that would help overcome these obstacles, and get kids on the path to learning technology.

Spy vs sPi is a new game that teaches kids to code using the Raspberry Pi and a capture-the-flag like adventure. We worked hard to develop Spy vs sPi to not only make it easy to get started, but make the learning process fun and exciting.

The project combines hardware, software and a fun narrative to help young learners start coding while accomplishing spy “missions”. It comes with plug and play hardware and a set of projects that make it easy for young learners to connect to a robot, start writing code, and get rewarding results right away.

The project comes packaged with a set of “missions” and components, each with a narrative that guides aspiring “spies” through new programming concepts. With each activity, young programmers learn how to connect and program a sensor, and in the process accomplish the mission. In Spy vs. sPi each “Spy” is assigned a mission where they assemble a device and then write code to complete the mission. Each mission uses a new plug-and-play sensor that detects things like sound, light, motion, or distance. The programming is taught using Scratch, a drop-and-drag programming language developed at MIT that uses simple shapes and graphics as the programming language. Printed missions are accompanied by online videos, example programs, and additional hints and materials.

The aim of the project is to engage kids in learning and mastering technology and engineering. The engineering and coding lessons behind the missions have real life applications and prepare kids with the basics of engineering and software. To do this, each mission is designed so it can be played individually or competitively in teams.

We know that everyone wants their kid to learn to master technology. Parents, teachers and mentors are waking up to the growing need for their children to understand and master technology. We think Spy vs sPi is a great first step to helping children start a life-long journey of engaging with technology.




The traveling bearded nerd with a heart clogged with bacon and an unfocused mind. Founder of Dexter Industries. 2016 Presidential Candidate.