ESSAY: The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

John Jayson Dela Paz
2 min readAug 15, 2017


The ubiquitous usage of English as the nationwide language is continuously out shadowing its drawbacks. I completely agree with this notion because the English language has brought a variety of benefits in the world.

One of the major advantages of the English language is its contribution to the incessant increase of the economy in developed countries. The success of every business depends on a good communication system because having a clear understanding with business partners and colleagues will result in a great international success. For example, in Singapore, since they have embraced the English language they have seen an impressive economic growth in the past few years and this is because they have been maintaining a good rapport and trust with other developed countries that are investing in their nation.

Studying English, furthermore, may be a time consuming task to do and an expensive subject to study but English language plays an essential role in the educational system around the world, where English linguistic remains the international language of almost all top universities globally. In the present climate, studying in the developed countries is one of the choices to have a better future, and this is where the English language is necessary because English exams are one of the basic qualifications to study abroad. Thus, this language is becoming the ticket of the students to study and venture to other developed countries such as in Australia, Canada, and United States of America. Therefore, even young ones are putting efforts to study and learn the English language for them to be able to qualify and be part of a university that could widen their chances to have a better career in the future.

Overall, the English language binds the world together and it will continuously provide the world with many advantages. I fully agree that English will bolster the communication system of every nation and thus outweigh all the disadvantages.

