Support Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities

John Jenner
2 min readDec 20, 2022


NDIS Support coordinators are highly trained professionals who help individuals with special needs. They provide important services to this community, ensuring that those in need receive the care and support they require. In this blog post, we will discuss the roles and responsibilities of a support coordinator.

Support Coordinators Job Description

A support coordinator’s job description is focused on providing quality care for people with special needs. They are responsible for assessing individual needs, developing service plans, coordinating services with other providers, and monitoring progress towards goals. Additionally, they must maintain accurate records of all activity related to their clients. This includes documenting any changes in health status or services provided. Furthermore, they must ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and laws while preserving client confidentiality

Support Coordinators Qualifications

To be a successful support coordinator requires several qualifications. Most importantly, they must have a deep understanding of the needs of those they serve and be able to develop effective strategies to meet these needs. It is also essential that they have excellent organizational skills as well as effective communication skills in order to effectively interact with clients, families, and other stakeholders involved in the process. Additional qualifications may include experience working with special populations such as children or adults with disabilities or mental health issues. Finally, many employers prefer candidates who hold an undergraduate degree in social work or a related field such as psychology or counselling.

In conclusion, it is clear that support coordinators play an important role in helping people with special needs receive the care and support they need to live life fully and independently. These professionals must possess certain qualifications including a deep understanding of the unique needs of their clients as well as the strong organisation and communication skills in order to effectively coordinate services for them. Ultimately, it is through the work of dedicated support coordinators in Adelaide that those with special needs can access the resources necessary to achieve their goals.



John Jenner

John is a content marketing expert who has worked in Sydney based Digital Marketing Agency. John has helped businesses of all sizes achieve their goals.