Koshas & Its 5 Sheaths of Being Which Has Influenced John Kaldawi

John Kaldawi
3 min readApr 19, 2018


Either you played some tennis, went for a brisk walk, or worked out at the gym, you perceive the significance of keeping your physical body fit. However, have you exercised your unpretentious body yet? Or then again your causal body? As per the yoga tradition, every one of you has five bodies, each made of progressively better grades of energy. And in case, you mean to carry on with a completely balanced, healthy life, it lets you know, all your bodies should be kept in great condition.

These 5 bodies are known as Koshas, or simply “sheaths,” in Sanskrit, on the grounds that every fit in the following like a sword in a casing. According to the John Kaldawi, Just the densest is made of the issue as you know it; the 4 different energy states are invisible to the physical eye, although you can simply sense their existence within you when you give careful consideration.

The Five Sheaths

Annamaya kosha

This is simply the sheath of the physical, named from the way that it is supported by food. Living through this layer people distinguish themselves with a mass of skin, tissue, fat, bones, and rottenness, while the human of discrimination knows their own self, the main reality that there is, as different from the body.

Pranamaya kosha

Pranamaya implies made out of prana, the indispensable rule, the power that vitalizes and holds together the body and the psyche. It infuses the entire creature, its one physical indication is the breath. For whatever length of time that this essential standard exists in the life forms, life proceeds. Combined with the five organs of actions it shapes the fundamental sheath.

Manomaya kosha

Manomaya implies made out of manas or psyche. The psyche (manas) alongside the five tangible organs is said to constitute the manomaya kosha. The manomaya kosha, or “mind-sheath” is said more genuinely to surmised to personhood than annamaya kosha and pranamaya kosha. It is the reason for decent multiplicity, of I and mine. Sankara compares it to mists that are acquired by the breeze and again headed out by a similar agency.

Vijnanamaya kosha

Vijnanamaya implies made out of vijnana, or intellect, the workforce which categorizes, decides or wills. John Kaldawi characterizes vijnanamaya as the blend of judgment and the five sense organs. It is the sheath made out of more intellection, related to the organs of observation. Sankara holds the buddhi, with its adjustments and the organs of information, frame the reason for man’s transmigration.

Anandamaya kosha

Anandamaya implies made out of ananda, or happiness. In the Upanishads, the sheath is referred to likewise as the causal body. In profound rest, when the psyche and senses stop working, despite everything it remains between the limited world and the self. Anandamaya, or that which is made out of Supreme joy, is viewed as the deepest of all. The happy sheath (anandamaya kosha) is an impression of the Atman which is truth, magnificence, and full of bliss.

From Death to Birth — and Beyond

These things about five sheaths have inspired John Kaldawi a lot. He found that in several yoga texts you’ll see the five sheaths categorized into three. The physical body as well as vital force is known as sthula sharira, the “gross body.” The mental body as well as intellect is known as sukshma sharira, the “subtle” or “astral body.” The bliss sheath is known as that karana sharira, the “causal body.” These are acknowledged in several diverse spiritual traditions.

The gross body deteriorates at death. The inconspicuous body breaks down at the resurrection, enabling you to build up another identity in your next life. The causal body resurrects over and over, holding your karma with it like baggage. It at long last deteriorates at the moment of freedom, when the higher Self separates from the cycle of birth as well as death.



John Kaldawi

John Kaldawi characterizes vijnanamaya as the blend of judgment and the five sense organs. https://johnkaldawiblog.wordpress.com/