The Big Switch

Jay Emkay
2 min readSep 13, 2022


Like the end of a great book, a fantastic film or a superb album, we all know that it will come to an end.

We can try put that day off. Try and forestall the inevitable, but still that day looms over us.

That’s where I am with crypto mining.

I started getting into the whole world of crypto around two years ago, just coming out of the first Covid lock down here in the UK. I guess, after months of noodling around, I was looking for something to start a passive income side-line. As these things do, my sideline hobby grew into a full on income in its own right. I owned 4 GPU mining rigs topping out at 33 cards.

Mining ETH, I averaged a little over $100 a day. Not bad!

But of course, thing change.

ETH is about to become Proof Of Stake instead of Proof Of Work. Effectively shutting out all of the miners who supported it over recent years.

Then add in the soaring cost of power and a decision has to be made.

Flog off all of the kit? I’ve gone partially down this route, and I’m down to 18 cards. They’ve more than paid for themselves, so I have no complaints on that score. But something still nags away at the back of my mind.

I don’t want to give it up. I can’t give it up. I’m hooked.

So, I shall wave goodbye to ETH and look to mine other coins, ETC being an obvious one.

And I shall invest in smaller, highly efficient ASICs. I’m also looking into solar power for them.

So it is the start of a new adventure. If it works I shall add more rigs, see where it takes me.

More to come…

