They say that the money is the root of all evil.

john kim
3 min readMay 15, 2018

As I was picking up deposits from my stores today, I stared at the cash and had a thought. Money is not evil, how can it be? Money does not have life or emotions, it’s just a piece of paper that has marks that gives it value. Money doesn’t have the power to commit evil by itself. Money doesn’t lie or does it conspire to do evil. Money left on an island by itself has no ability or power to do evil. What makes money evil is the person who has it and uses it to do evil things with it. Some people take that money and help people in need and some take that money to exploit and hurt others by using it’s value to devalue others who don’t have much of it.

People who has never had much money believe that people with money are prideful and arrogant. What they don’t understand is that when you do come into money many things change in one’s life. Just like getting married changes the person coming into money changes people inevitably. The funniest thing I see sometimes is when single people who have never been married judge and try to give advice to married people as if they know what they are talking about. In the same way people without money will never know how it feels to have money and the problems that come with it without experiencing for themselves.

Going back to my original thought money isn’t evil by itself but could be used for evil in the hands of fallible human beings that can be led astray by the power and status that money can bring. The reason for this article is to state how important decentralization is when it comes to money and or currency. I believe the greatest part of the blockchain technology is the decentralized nature of it. I know all of us have been tricked, betrayed, and taken advantage of by another human being. Mostly when money is involved even Family and friends aren’t exempt from the power of what money can do to relationships. I’m not asking that every organizations in the world need to be decentralized but when it comes to money no human being or beings are qualified to be a central figure of control. Money in the hands of human beings are too much for anyone to handle because it’s grip is too strong for any person or persons to be able to handle with perfect integrity. Decentralized aspect of Bitcoin and Litecoin blockchain is the most important part of the technology because it removes fallible human beings and replaces it with a network that everyone regardless of sex, race, or status to be guilty until verified. This may be uncomfortable at first but it’s actually helping people from the temptation of fraud and allows each individual to be more responsible with their money. Nothing teaches a lesson faster than losing money. To trust a group of humans to control the money system of the world is asking too much from human beings that are full of emotions and prone to make mistakes all the time. Decentralized blockchain will not only give freedom to regular people who needs sound money but it sets free the elites who are being set up to fail because the lure of money is too much for any humans to be able to handle.

In conclusion when it comes to sound money and perfect ledger the only fingerprint that we need is what comes out from the Sha 256 algorithm and not one that comes from any human fingertips.

