Home Addition Construction in Scranton: Here Are Solid Tips to Follow

J.C.S. Building & Remodeling
3 min readApr 6, 2023

Every year, tens of thousands of homeowners decide to add to their homes to expand their living quarters or improve functionality. Check out the advice provided below to help you, the homeowner, get ready for the project if you think about home addition construction in Scranton.

Gather Legal Documents

The first thing you’ll need to obtain is the plot plan of your land, which depicts property lines and the proximity of any current and future buildings to those lines. The new addition must be constructed “within” the jurisdictional setbacks specified by your local zoning laws. It can be necessary to demolish an extension if it is built too close to the property lines. You can find plot plans and surveys at your local Registrar of Deeds.

Set a Reasonable Budget

It’s important to decide on a budget you feel comfortable with before meeting with a builder or architect. A gorgeous design isn’t worth it if it means you have to stretch yourself thin financially. Create a budget that covers the project’s hard costs and a reasonable contingency amount. Consider the rises in real estate taxes, electricity costs, and perhaps insurance after the expansion is finished. You can complete the job without worry and enjoy your new area by staying within your budget.

Employ a Design Expert or a Design/Build Team.

Let’s face it, we tend to believe that we can design our homes, but the truth is that architects create incredible interiors that the average person simply cannot envision. Another benefit of hiring a design professional is that they typically have a “vetted” list of builders they can recommend to you. Several businesses perform both design and construction work.

Talk With Your Neighbours

Be sure to discuss the impending project with your neighbours when considering a home addition construction in Scranton. If your neighbours are close by, it is essential to speak with them right away and note any problems they may be having.

What Exactly Do You Need?

Make a list of the requirements and capabilities the new place will meet before you start. Identifying your precise needs and any finer items you could desire is crucial. If the budget is “fat,” it’s always a good idea to add those “special” goods you’ve been wanting. If so, you might be able to increase the number of items on your list.

Make a Short List of Contractors

Search online to identify some nearby remodelers. In order to determine if they are a good fit, look at some of their past work on their websites. Local building code officials and suppliers are other places to inquire. Ask your neighbors and close friends for suggestions. After doing your research, narrow down your selection of builders to three who can provide you with precise, written estimates.

The Bottom Line!

Make sure you have the necessary financing in place for the project before you start the exciting journey of a home expansion. This is particularly crucial because your home’s overall worth will probably grow due to the expansion. You can connect with us if you’re watching out for deck construction in Scranton, PA.



J.C.S. Building & Remodeling

At J.C.S. Building & Remodeling, we’ve made it our life’s work to help people whose homes no longer fit their lifestyle. https://jcsbuildingandremodeling.com/