Seeing Star Wars: ROGUE ONE 4DX in NYC

John Larkin
2 min readJan 3, 2017


Matthew Parlapiano waiting to experience Star Wars in 4DX

It was only recently that I discovered the 4DX format had made its way to NYC. I had already seen the new Star Wars standalone film three times but when I saw that the Regal Theater in Union Square had yet another option for viewing the film I jumped at the chance to see what it was all about.

I called my friend Matt, an editor at CBS News to tell him about it and see if he was around to meet up to expereince it. Our friendship was pretty much founded on Star Wars fandom in middle school so it was very fitting that we share this somewhat revolutionary cinematic experience together.

When we scanned in our tickets we were handed Real 3D glasses like any other normal 3D film. All the extra facilities that make it 4DX are built into the individual theater you watch it in.

The theater itself is smaller than most, with more room dedicated to larger chairs grouped together so they synchronize in movement and action during the film.

With 4DX you expereience:

  • Seat rumbling
  • Rough, shall we say “massaging” on your back for certain moments
  • Seats moving up, down, left and right every so slightly
  • Light wind
  • Light mist
  • Strobe lights
  • Smoke bursts (that carry a sweet scent when they are ignited)
  • Air squirts near the back of my head (these became annoying as they were constantly being triggered by any laser blasts in the film)

The best utilization for the 4DX came in the third act when there is a heavy space battle that ensues. The seat rumblings and movement combined with the 3D made for an enjoyably immersive sequence.

Rogue One is really a perfect film for the 4DX expereience. There is enough varied action throughout and it is intermittent enough so as not to burn you out too much. Though the third act does get pretty intense.

You do risk getting some mist on your 3d glasses but nothing your shirt can’t clean up with one quick swipe.

We both enjoyed the experience and would consider doing it again.

Thanks for reading/watching!

