Is Living Life to the Fullest Possible?

John Ledford
5 min readJul 30, 2020


Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

I know it’s possible because I do live life to the fullest of my ability and that is all that we can do. Living life to the fullest is a choice, as is being happy and those two go together in life. I can’t make you live life fuller or make you happier, but I can give you some advice from my experience in life.

Life is a rollercoaster; you never know what might be around the next corner and it may throw your plans off track.

Be happy every day, this is your choice when you wake up in the morning, choose to be happy and your life will be fuller. I know it sounds so simple and it’s not that simple sometimes, so if you have problems with waking up happy, try these tips below.

  • Get a piece of paper that you can hang up next to the bed and write down the things or people that you are blessed with. Write down what you have achieved in life and anything that makes you happy.
  • Another good one is sticky notes in the area’s that you frequent in the morning, like the bathroom mirror, above the coffee maker, or the dash of your car.
  • Something that I do more now is reminders on my phone for every day at the same time I see what I’m blessed to have in my life or what I have achieved.

Be kind to others every day, sometimes this can be very hard and you just want to walk by everyone without saying anything. Maybe you’re not a morning person or your antisocial. All it takes is saying hello, or good morning to others that will lighten your day and there’s.

  • Choose to pick a number of simple kindness every day that you will complete, start out small, and work your way up to more until it becomes natural.
  • Hold doors open for others, buy a coffee or lunch for someone, write a thank you card to co-workers or employees.

Let it go, when someone cuts you off while going to work or doesn’t hold the door open for you. As the children’s song goes “Just let it go”. Road rage can get everyone into a bad mood and another good way to help avoid this is to have sticky notes on the dash for a reminder to let it go.

“If you give into hate for someone, it will consume you and you will be unhappy till you forgive them.”

One thing that I believe in is forgiveness, we can choose to forgive someone that has done something terrible to us and you will feel the weight of the hate rise off your chest. You will feel better instantly. We can forgive, but we don’t have to forget about what they did.

“Learn from the past to prepare for the future.”

Step out of your comfort zone every day, this one thing will make you feel amazing once you have put in the effort to accomplish it. We live day to day on the same path, the same habits, and try nothing outside of our comfort.

This advice is gold and you will really start living when you follow it, no matter if it’s at work or outside of work.

Work examples — cold calling or knocking on doors to get clients for some businesses. Reaching out to a LinkedIn contact and asking for them to have lunch with you, this can be a huge plus if you’re an entrepreneur. They may be someone that is already successful and you would like to pick their brain.

Pitching ideas to your boss on a weekly basis, hosting brunch, and meets in your area or creating a class of your expertise in your area. It could be as easy as learning something new on a weekly basis.

Life examples — learn something new once a month or at least try it to see if you like it. Do something that you are scared of, fear is holding a lot of people back every day and when we get over that fear, it makes for a fuller life. Take a different walk outside than you normally do and go on a hike every so often, the outdoors is a natural way of making us happy.

My fear used to be of traveling out of the country, I had listened to the news too much and was scared of something happening while being in another country. Now, my wife and I have traveled to 40 Countries.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain

Travel and learn about the places that you travel; the world is amazing and there is so much that we don’t know about. Even if you don’t dare to travel out of the country, then get in your car or take a train to a new location that you haven’t seen yet.

Our minds are waiting to learn something new about a different area of the earth and if you travel to another country, then make sure to learn about the culture in that area. Taste the local food and you will be trying to learn how you can make it once you get home. Always get a guide in a country you’re not familiar with or even a city that isn’t far from home, get a local that knows the area.

You will see a lot on the beaten path of tourists, but when you get a local guide you will go off the beaten path and discover things no one knows about. As a writer and photographer, these are the things I’m always looking for, something no other tourist see’s or tastes.

Boat tour with local guide off the Amalfi Coast of Italy.

Is living life to the fullest possible? Of course, it is, follow my advice and you will be one step closer to living life as if it was your last day.

One of my favorite things about traveling is the excitement of what is around the next corner.

Off of the beaten path, we drove two hours exploring when we found this beautiful light house on the coast of Iceland.



John Ledford

Father, devoted husband, writer, photographer, and believer.