Election Day Is November 6, but The #BlueWave2018 Starts Today.

John Lundin
3 min readOct 19, 2018


Confirm your registration, help others to register, take advantage of ‘Early Voting’ — we can all do something today!

We can only make the BlueWave happen if we all work at it — every day we have left.

Here’s a checklist of things you can do — some obvious, some not so obvious.

Start by Signing up with the national Democratic Party website HERE

  1. Start by connecting with the Democratic Party, nationally and locally. You can use this simple link to find opportunities to volunteer, and you can Google your local Democratic party for more opportunities.
  2. Register to vote, and confirm your registration. Many states are ‘purging’ voter roles randomly — make sure you can vote on November 6th.
  3. You can CONFIRM your registration in any state HERE
  4. If you have been purged, you can REGISTER to Vote HERE
  5. The deadline to register to vote has already passed in some states, while other states allow registration right up to and including Election Day. Find the LAST DAY to Register in your state HERE
  6. Encourage others to register to vote. Registration closes soon in most states. Learn the registration rules and deadlines in your state, and help other get registered NOW.
  7. Vote Early — most states have early voting, and early voting has already begun. Click here to find the early voting information for your state.
  8. Use your social media — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram — to post periodic articles about your local candidates, and to remind people that November 6th is coming soon.
  9. Check with you local Democratic Party office for phone bank opportunities. You can join a group of your neighbors calling a list of voters with your cell phone. This is common on Election Day to ‘Get Out The Vote,’ but there may be opportunities on other days to use a script to pitch a particular candidate. You can usually phone from the party office, or from home using their lists.
  10. Display a Yard Sign. You can get them from your local Democratic Party office. And they’re actually more effective than you may think. They help energize other voters!
  11. Make a plan to help drive voters to the polls on Election Day. It can be as simple as driving your friends and neighbors who need a ride, to volunteering with the local Democratic Party office to drive voters for them. In addition, Uber and Lyft are offering free rides to the polls on election day.
  12. Finally, and this is so obvious people sometimes don’t think of it, plan your day on November 3rd so that you will be free to VOTE, but also be free to help others vote. Maybe use one of your ‘sick days,’ if you have to. In any case, do what you have to do to make certain Election Day is your day, all day.
  13. A final suggestion: make it fun. Election Day and the events leading up to it are a great way to connect with your friends, relatives (yes, even that usually Republican uncle Jack!) and your neighbors.
  14. We have the chance to begin reclaiming our country. Let’s get to it!



John Lundin

Author of The New Mandala, written with the Dalai Lama, and Journey to the Heart of the World, written with the Indigenous Elders of Colombia’s Sierra Nevada