Interior design tips for your Airbnb property

John Haynes
4 min readJun 28, 2016


Have you put aside a budget to revamp your home, but you’re not sure where to start? I am doing exactly the same thing as we speak — and I thought I’d share some of my favourite tips for staging your Airbnb property in one place.

Tidying Up

Declutter your space

Create space in a room to make your features stand out.

This is the easiest, cheapest and most efficient way to make your property stand out. Let’s be clear — we’re not talking about cleaning — I am talking about a few simple principles that, when stuck to, will make your house feel just right.

Reimagining your home

The Bedroom

Consider adding a desk so that guests can get some work done.

The Basics

  • The mattress plays one of the most important roles of your guests’ stay — no two guests are the same, and there is a lot to consider if you’re buying a new one. Katia from BnbStaging has a great guide on purchasing a new mattress for guests.
  • I’m definitely going to add a desk or seating area — guests often appreciate a place to read or get some work done (they used my kitchen table before), but this will mean they have the privacy of their own space.
  • Here is my Pinterest board — I love the ‘mid-century modern’ feel, and am seeking to echo that throughout my home.

Extra touches

The Kitchen / Dining Area

Shared Spaces

The Lounge

The Bathroom

I had never really considered the decor of my bathroom until now, and I know there is a lot of room for improvement.

My favourite blogs & resources

Whenever I am looking for inspiration, these are the first places I go:

Get in touch

This article was put together for an email that I used to run for Pearlshare. I have since joined YourWelcome to help build smart tablet devices for your holiday-let guests.

