John Madison
2 min readNov 30, 2016


DRAIN THE SWAMP (end the insider crime spree) by smartly eliminating all government mandates and existing local, states and federal taxes.

Free government healthcare and government cash payments could replace all minimum wage laws, all welfare programs, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, food stamps and all existing government mandated assistance programs.

The IRS and all existing local, states and federal taxes could all be abolished and replaced with sales tax collections only.

1. TRUMPCARE: a FREE GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE service (providing all government funded healthcare) could cut a $trillion from last years $3.8trillion paid by patients, businesses, governments and taxpayers. The system could be up and serving patients nationwide in 2017 by purchasing $500billion of hospitals from willing sellers to be converted to FREE TRUMPCARE.

2. TRUMPCASH $200. government payments, paid to every US citizen over 16 every Friday of your life, to spend anyway you want to will be $trillions cheaper for government to operate than existing aid programs and dependable cash and free healthcare miraculously delivers heaven on earth for everybody.

3. TRUMPTAX (Fair Tax HR25, S155 renamed) can be passed before the January 20th inauguration to ABOLISH THE IRS and all federal taxes and hopefully all states and local governments will also switch to sales tax only collections (on retail sales only).

This will eliminate $trillions annually of tax payments, administration, compliance and lost opportunity costs whose only purpose has been to make insiders rich and cheat hundreds of millions of people.

Eliminate tons of regulations and government employees that drove our jobs off shore, tanked our economy, put us and our businesses deeply in debt and allowed politicians and bureaucrats to become royalty and thugs that have been ruling and robbing the crap out of all of us for decades; throw all of the scumbags out in the first 100 days!

