The Java Functional and Reactive Weekly : 16th Nov 2018

This weeks functional and reactive Java blogs and talks!

John McClean
3 min readNov 16, 2018

A bumper round up of blogs and talks on Functional Programming & Reactive Programming in Java.

Functional and Reactive Blogs and Talks

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Exploring Reactive Programming with Java by Miro Cupak



Introduction to Reactive APIs with Postgres, R2DBC, Spring Data JDBC and Spring WebFlux by Piotr Mińkowski

Full-stack Reactive Kotlin with Project Reactor & Spring Boot 2 by Mark Heckler

Java Streams vs Reactive Streams: Which, When, How, and Why? by Venkat Subramaniam

Reactive Relational Database Connectivity by Ben Hale

Reactive Spring Security 5.1 by Example by Rob Winch (I hope he is not sad! 😀)

Reactor Netty, the Default Spring Boot 2.0 Runtime by Violeta Georgieva

Functional Java by Example | Part 5 — Move I/O to the Outside by Ted Vinke

Functional programming for Java developers, Part 2 by Jeff Friesen

Write a purely functional Bubble Sort application by Jeff Friesen

Under the Hood of Reactive Data Access by Mark Paluch

Multi-Service Reactive Streams Using Spring, Reactor, and RSocket by Rossen Stoyanchev and Ben Hale

Functional Programming in Java When, Why and How by Alasdair Collinson

Thread-local state availability in reactive services by Kamil Szymański

Functional exception handling with Vavr by Grzegorz Piwowarek

Revisiting the Template Method Design Pattern in Java by Grzegorz Piwowarek

Get rid of Null Checks with Vavr’s Option by Jaroslaw Kijanowski

Java Stream Tutorial by Jakob Jenkov

Dysfunctional programming in Java 6 : No Locks or Synchronized Blocks by john mcclean

Interesting blog post missing? Let me know johnmcclean_ie on Twitter



John McClean

Architecture @ Verizon Media. Maintainer of Cyclops. Twitter @johnmcclean_ie