Use the types Luke : Creating a LazyEither from the types and knowledge

Types can guide you (and trick you) when functional programming in Java

John McClean
4 min readNov 1, 2018

Dysfunctional programming in Java 5 : No Exceptions allowed we presented some code that constructed an Either type lazily. It looked like this :-

In this article we’ll break down what is going on in that (⏫⏫) code snippet — we could alternatively expand it out into something like this (⏬⏬)

Photo by Simon Zhu on Unsplash

Let’s look at how we can use the types to figure out how to construct a value declaration like this and what it really means (which in turn means we fully understand the more syntactically sweet version at the very top).

Creating a LazyEither from an eager Either

Let’s start with the method signature of loadContents(), it returns an Either type. That could be a LazyEither (since LazyEither is a sub-class of Either) or a standard eager Either.

Either way (ha!) it is straightforward to get a LazyEither instance from an eager Either, we can call the fromEither factory on LazyEither


And it looks like we’re done, the result of this call will match the require type signature perfectly!


which is also an instance of


But we’re not done! (😯). Because loadContents returns an Either type, that may have created eagerly. In fact if we look at the code for the implementations of loadContents in Dysfunctional programming in Java 5 : No Exceptions allowed it has been created eagerly!

This means if we simply convert the result of loadContents () to a LazyEither, the method loadContents itself will still be executed eagerly and not lazily! Without changing the implementation of loadContents we want to make the call to loadContents lazy — and we can do this with Eval

If we want caching / memoization so we only loadContents once we can use Eval.later


This will give us back a value with the following signature

Eval<Either<IOException,String>> contents;

contents has the following charactertistics

  1. Is lazily populated on first access ✅
  2. Is only populated once due to Memoization ✅
  3. Does not throw Exceptions if the I/O data is unavailable ✅
  4. Represents the fact the contents data maybe present or absent ✅
  5. IOException is captured if one is thrown during loading ✅
  6. 👹Generics hell!👹

What we’d like to do, is condense that down into

LazyEither<IOException,String> contents;

Luckily enough there is a factory method on LazyEither which matches this type in its return signature : fromLazy

We can match the input parameter with a little refactoring of our previous two attempts.

LazyEither<IOException,String> attempt1 = LazyEither.fromEither( loadContents() );Eval<Either<IOException,String>> attempt2 = Eval.later( this::loadContents );

We can create a LazyEither embedded inside an Eval

Eval<LazyEither<IOException,String>> attempt3 = Eval.later( ()-> LazyEither.fromEither( loadContents() ) );

We can use some static imports

import static cyclops.control.Eval.later;
import static cyclops.control.LazyEither.fromLazy;

Which matches the required signature and Laziness semantics of our contents field

So what did we do?

  • We converted a lazy, caching Eval instance that loadsContents just once
  • We made sure that Eval contained a LazyEither type which either contained the result of loading the contents (a String) or the Exception created when loading contents failed
  • Then we constructed a LazyEither instance from that lazy Eval instance — so that externally we have an Either that represents the result of loadContents, but only triggers loadContents once, when absolutely neccessary (on a terminal operation on the Either).

In practice : this is much cleaner

And now you know what it does and how it does it!



John McClean

Architecture @ Verizon Media. Maintainer of Cyclops. Twitter @johnmcclean_ie