9 min readFeb 16, 2023


The most telling graphic in 5,000 years of the world’s monetary-facilitated energised development.

This essay summarises how ‘The House’ is Humanity’s most effective invention. It organised the ‘Axial Age’ Initiation and now the ‘Axial Age’ Closure of a 10,000-year World-transforming Earth Epoch — as everyone is engaged in its Home.

The “Barbenheimer” 2023 movie-duo (unconsciously) shows it conditions the creative/destructive mechanisms of Modern-transformation.

ENDPOINT : 2008 — Never before had interest rates fallen to around zero (Japan’s Negative Interest Rates — The Marshall Society ). A ‘Black-Box’ style ‘seismic’ record shows increasingly unsteady economic-course-correcting maneuvers unsure piloting the Vehicle of Civilisation on a terminus-trajectory.

That violently accelerated closure was machine-powered via the “Promethean” Prometheus — Wikipedia release of Earth’s store of archaic-life energy — hydro-carbons, as Coal, Oil & Gas. Then, in Total War, 1945’s Nuclear-atomic energy event instant-imposed “Civilised” epoch-finality.

That way Men asserted control of life-advancing Fire-energy [Prometheus + solvay conference 1927 photo with names — Search ( ] — usurping what had been the Woman’s societal-sustaining concern; a sacred Home-duty since our primordial age [Hestia — Wikipedia]. New appreciation of a profound Classical-Age Instruction can guide a New World Ordering.

Crash-landed into an instant Universe-connected new ‘Axial-Age,’ everything changed. Unprecedented technology brought unprecedented war-devastation and industry-imposed environment degradation. Revolutionary freedoms and authoritarian/totalitarian controls are interactive in Unified Finality.

Micro-to-macro Cosmic-revelation and unprecedented personal engagements direct Life into a New Earth Epoch. None yet comprehends it, nor how to manage its Life-changing effects.

Unaided, ‘Nature’ could not have advanced its self-evolving totality beyond a recent geophysical-evident point of catastrophic climate-change younger dryas civilization — Search ( Then, as Human-adaptive intelligence was survival-demanded, Neolithic Genius instant-applied it. “The House” was revolutionary organised — as humanity’s yet most powerful invention!

* * *

10,000 years ago — on a day — a founding-ritual of Domestic Architecture set-going an unprecedented social-process. “Barbenheimer” duality presents its instant ‘Modern-day’ organised-closure — again an epochal moment as a new beginning.

‘The House’ was the Fundamental Invention — a full-time conditioner of existence was Human-life Transforming. As a permanent-fixed-machine, within it organised, progressive-installed and dynamic-maintained Civilisation, till now. The tripartite house (

From then the planar mechanism of the Neo-Lithic [New-Stone] ‘Axial-age’ - [Çatalhöyük — Wikipedia ] — was adaptive-effective, up to our time - Bauhaus — Wikipedia.

Now ”Our House” must be different-formed for survival-installing an as yet unprogrammed Neo-tectonic [New-Built] Revolution.

A Globalised Populism of “Barbie’s Dream Home” has its (controversial) “Barbenheimer” association with Japan. Unprecedented instant extinction of a Civilised Framework planar- installed an ongoing global-coercive potential.

This essay shows how and why that “odd” cultural coincidence is the unconscious assertion of a fundamental but unresolved understanding of energised-existence in a new Earth Age.

photo of hiroshima after the bomb — Bing images

It was appropriately a woman-expert, Kathleen Kenyon, whose disciplined excavations at Neolithic-level Jericho Tell es-Sultan — Wikipedia 1950’s shock-revealed the preserved-moment of initial intelligent transformation. An unthought-of abrupt (single-generation) departure from primal humanity’s invidualised-life in ever-circular separated enclosures was shown in its new square-based House-form - constant imposed thereafter.

A new way of thinking had come, evident in that first-fixed nuclear-family residence. That social-constructive imposition lasts till now.

As that “Men’s House” was that-way axial-located, domesticity was fixed in settled but expansive-space existence. It asserted a new command effective world-wide, directing human development:

A rectilinear ‘Cartesian-grid’, in its infinite extensive mathematically-defined connection, instant realised the energetic possibilities of Civilisation. That precise ordering advanced up to our Atomic-energy “C-squared-radiant” conclusion.

Yet, as ever before, Women’s ritual-formed round shelters Time-condition the nomadic hunter-gatherer mobile lifestyle — The Nomadic Nenets dwelling “Mya”: the symbolism of a woman’s role and space in a changing tundra — Zoia Vylka Ravna, 2018 (

Now, in 2008's instant and absolute collapse of Western Finance, that “Men’s House” epochal-control was self-demolished via “Housing-loan” debt-default. The Fall of the Market in the Fall of 2008 (

Re-capitalised — World Community supported via Government-loans - an unprecedented International Accumulated Debt is being repaid via an unprecedented revaluing of ‘living-space’. So provision of ‘loans-for-homes’ is extractive in everyone’s high home-costs.

As with the major economies Interest on UK’s National Debt exceeds annual GDP.
As with other Major Economies, Interest on UK’s National Debt exceeds its Annual GDP

A “Doomsday” accounted finance revolution Domesday Book | The social order ( has forced a calculative economic-restructuring of a global-integrated digital-organised New Society. National Debt by Country / Countries with the Highest National Debt 2023 ( So an (unrecognised) global life-change is life-term-installed in those mortgage-repayments — where a square-measured Home is yet the controlling mechanism.

An Earth-epoch conclusion has re-conditioned World Society — reverse-mirroring an archaic transformation. Civilisation was instant programmed in a House — the new common-constructive fixed-living condition — by everyone same-way “Working-from-Home”. Again, life is instantly same-set — “Housed” — in a minimal-area planar-accommodated economic connected community. Everyone must lifetime-pay for that finance-directed living condition - now sustained in electronic-accounted neo-feudal debt-servitude!

Intelligently ‘Revolutionary’, that first ‘Square-Based House’ had instant-activated everyone’s rectilinear-plane 2-D grid-connection. Now its mineral-crystalline ordering is consistent up-to this present day ubiquitous life-conditioning of computer-chip silicone-logic. As micro-installed on everyone’s global-connective “smart-phone”, this is finality of a “Stone-Age” development.

That way Spatial Logic* was/is collective-imposed in an unprecedented calculative fixed-grid-extensive permanent conditioning, mathematical-determinate of every aspect of settlement-life.

Bio-morphic ‘roundness’ is contrary — a local confined condition, Pi-based-uncountable. Associated with unpredictable Temporal variation, instant adaptation sustains the mobility that accommodates Nomadism. See *

NOTE: Wittgenstein — Modernity’s Philosopher 1920’s expressed a revelation in uncompromising planar-forming the Adolf Loos-inspire ‘Modern’ home for his sister. “What can be said” in (left-brain verbal specifications), was insistent-activated by “what MUST BE SILENTLY SHOWN” in right-brain visual assimilated drawings, models and constructions — as applied Spatial Logic —

Then recognised as ‘iconic’ — an exemplary “House-for-the-Gods” - its male-disciplined ultra-secure enclosure was not taken-up as a comfortable “Hestian” residence for her, nor retained for their influential family’s use.

Same-way masculine-enforced, a female-confined “Hestian” domesticity was continuing Civilised-installed in a planar-expansive, right-brain Constancy. It brought/forced Humanity from individual Darwinian-adaptive cyclic-episodic Nature-dependence (as primal-dispersed hunter-gatherers) to this, our Earth-controlling planar-unified collective, in common-directed Epoch-completion.

”The House” was walled-in secure (“An English-man’s Home is/was his Castle”). But it Fire-side confined and conditioned a woman’s “housewife occupation”, in her life-sustaining reproductive power. Along with cooking and weaving, that domestic energy-mechanism female-maintained existence over the World since a primordial age .

The Iconic “Mens’ House” enclosed form was historic-effective as an Institutional Control-device. Typically it securely housed the Bank of England’s “Old Lady of Threadneedle Street” — Who is the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street? | Bank of England.

But now, radically open as re-formed, the “Machine for Living-in” is world-popularised in child-hood appreciation of new female-assertive “Hestian-liberated” freedoms — ref; ibsen doll’s house context — Search (

Barbie’s Dream Home is recognisble as a version of Le Corbusier’s 1930’s Villa Savoye

“Barbie’s Dream Home” is radically ‘de-walled’ — a female promotion of “Hestian” freedom as opened-up to ‘masculine’ spatial infinity. From history’s walled-in masculine-closed-confinement this column-supported open-planning is an instinctive appreciation of the social-architectonics of our transformatory time. It comes a century after Le Corbusier’s controversial Modern Genius 1914-prophesied it — Fondation Le Corbusier — Projects — Maison Dom-Ino.

However, a column-supported freedom — sleeping-mat modular-conditioned - was fundamental in constant-shaping Japan’s historic tradition. https://blog.japanwondertra’ It had set a calculated social constancy in a forced-mobile life within its closed society — as one ever disrupted by geophysical forces and local-organised power struggles. Now its evolutionary necessity is world-wide domestic-desired.

1905; “C-squared” radiant constancy of Einstein’s “Relativity Theory” revolutionary-revealed that Universal-connective 2-D-expansive Space-metric as absolute. It is the photo-graphic, electronic-active planar base of a Unified Cosmic-Creation.

But the local-confined variable roundness of Time-with-Mass/Gravity [Energy=Mass=Time] yet conditions Earth-life with its periodic or random existential changes and unpredicted survival challenges.

Archaic, Neolithic-age, recent and ongoing inevitable Comet-Impacts are recorded in instant-transforming devastations. Other Geophysical chaos arrives any time, to unpredictable effects. The considered purpose of installing Architectonic Prescriptive Civilisation was to collectively re-organise humanity, world-wide consistent, in a predictable system to someday (hopefully) organise to avoid or mitigate extinction-catastrophe.

Nature’s self-designed adaptation - generating new-species in ‘Lamarckian’ or ‘Marxist’ comprehensive revolutions active in new epochs - had past-resolved those ‘fatal-as-globalised’ forced-engagements. The Evolutionary-advancing geologic-record recently science-evidenced that Universe creative/destructive progression.,at%20least%201.6%20billion%20years.

V. Gordon Childe’s “Neolithic Revolution” 1930’s-showed an intelligent transformation was critically operative at a brief moment in our prehistoric society. But neither he then, nor others yet, recognised the key social-organising effectiveness of planar geometrics — applied in Architectonics, Agriculture and Industry. Yet ‘Modern’ Industrial Revolution had certified that absolute-demand. Energised installing uniform-control, planned production and calculated consumption is a comprehensive collective activity inherent in Civilised domestication.

Associated socioeconomic, cultural and technological transformations were activated in three ‘Modern Revolutions’ sequential-summarised in the exemplary Architecture of these following three buildings. Each, new-organised as an iconic “Men’s House”, was a deliberating-facility for installing radical change — effective in instinctive urgency of completing an epochal task. As that headiline Banking-graph shows, each swiftly-activated new ‘theatrical’ scenarios in three new-rationalised design-impositions: [Ref; “The Theatre and Civilisation” — John McClellan — 2009 —]

FIRST INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION — ADAPTIVE INITIATION : 1729 - “Chiswick House” — Lord Burlington — The Age of Empiric Enlightenment. Ingenuity and scientific inquiry intelligently activated the First Industrial Revolution. Palladian Neoclassical Architecture and rational economic reordering was “Western” installed with unprecedented-productive mechanisation and simplified standardisation of key components. European Empires competitive-clashed in economic and cultural imposed World-round conditionings.

Photo John McClellan — Model at V&A Design Museum — South Kensington — London

SECOND INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION — EXEMPLARY GLOBALISING : 1851 — “The Crystal Palace” — Joseph Paxton. Beginning the second Industrial Age. The World’s first Exhibition of International Industry was shown in the unprecedented luminosity of this absolute-revolutionary “Men’s House”. In ingenious column-assembled planar-extending radiance it asserted Queen Victoria’s “Hestian” Empire-extensive control. It exemplified a global-connective “Speed-of-light” revelation as soon empowered finality-conflict — “War-to-End-War”. Present reality is so aimed to enforce global control — now extended into the Cosmos. Glazing the Crystal Palace — Revolutionary Players

Rigorous planar-rectilinear standardisation applied up to the limits of available technology
2-D planar space-time — inherently distorted visual conception of Instant-Unified Global Extensive Civilisation

THIRD INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION — SELF-DESTRUCTIVE FINALITY: The Tokyo HQ of “Lehman Brothers” Bank — The Post-Modern Age of Computer-Integrated Technological Complexity instant-activated Cultural Confusion in the ‘end-game’ Banking Meltdown of 2008.

Photo — John McClellan 2006: Prior-evident Architectonic-organised Post-Modern Confusion. As planar-explosive Fragmented Modernity it briefly ‘housed’ the key-locator of 2008’s economic implosion. On a “West Walk” — ineffective-defensive equipped with its Iconic “Men’s House” Protective Portico — the terminal devastation was self-installed from a collective mind-set global-operative within it!

John McClellan — 15–02–2023 — revised 25–08–23




I was privileged to be trained, educated and experienced in Architecture at a time and in places when genius of every kind was transforming existence.