Y Combinator Co-founder ChatGPT Bot

John Coleman
Dec 19, 2023


The problem with written startup advice is it can be of questionable quality, and is not specific to the founder’s company or situation. Y Combinator has custom advice for its founders, but only provides coaching after acceptance and investment, while classic books like The Lean Startup, Crossing the Chasm, and The Mom Test cannot give customized feedback.

Enter large language models, or LLMs, which can be augmented with specialized knowledge via search retrieval and prompted based on custom situations. I have created a chat-bot with OpenAI’s GPT feature which contains publicly posted transcripts from Y Combinator lectures, as well as a carefully crafted prompt for early stage startups. You can try it out here: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-CtciDCcKo-co-founders. Please let me know in the comments how you are using it! I am looking forward to iterating and improving based on your feedback.

Artificial Intelligence Generating Startup Ideas



John Coleman

I love building and applying simulations of the physical world.