John Montano
16 min readNov 9, 2018


A Comprehensive List of Top Blockchain Development Companies & Developers 2019

Top Blockchain Development Companies List 2019

Everyone heard about blockchain — the hype around this technology was so loud that you had no choice but to hear about it. But what about its development? What’s the state of blockchain development services now? Are there any blockchain companies that offer this solution professionally? These questions require special attention and call for creating the list of best blockchain companies– with the clear description and evaluation criteria for each representative that can be called ‘a top blockchain development company’. This is the task of this post — to determine the current state of the technology in general and blockchain development companies in particular, distinguish among them best blockchain development companies and provide the detailed description for each chosen one.

So, what’s blockchain and what’s the purpose of creating the entire blockchain company to deliver it as a service? In its essence, the revolutionary innovation of blockchain can be summarized as a creation of the space for faster, easier and safer transactions. The operation of this technology is based on the chronological chain of blocks with data — which enables direct transfers between a payer and a recipient and maintains the uniqueness of records that are impossible to imitate. And an organization that concentrates its activity on enabling smart contracts and mining (this is what a blockchain development company does), among all, works on facilitating financial operations.

According to Wikipedia, a blockchain is “a growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data.”

Actually, there are so many blockchain development companies(194 ones, according to Clutch) that it is possible to diversify top blockchain companies in this list. Notwithstanding the fact the technology itself emerged just recently, there are specialists who readily provide professional assistance for its adoption in business operations. In addition, though being highly promising, the blockchain innovation still raises concern about its implementation capabilities for different industries. And so, making a blockchain dream come true is the purpose of top blockchain development companies. In the given circumstances, the task of distinguishing the best blockchain development company means finding the enterprise that is capable to successfully implement this up-to-date, young and perspective technology into the operation of various businesses.

What are the best blockchain development companies?

To provide a comprehensive list of best blockchain companies, the choice was determined by the ability of each representative to concentrate and work on this innovation solely. In other words, a top blockchain development company should make a real difference in implementing this service (and not just aim at achieving this). Moreover, the rating of best blockchain development companies is made by taking into account the ability to work with the cutting-edge tools in this distributed ledger technology. Finally, money is an indicator of success — so top blockchain development companies in the presented list also demonstrate an outstanding performance in the financial terms.

And here is the shortlist of the best blockchain companies:

  • Coinfabrik (top blockchain development company from Argentina)
  • Empirica Software (the representative of top blockchain development companies from the USA)
  • Leewayhertz (best blockchain company with the offices in USA, Canada, and India)
  • Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab (a blockchain department within a full-scale software development leader)
  • Innovecs (a blockchain development company from Ukraine)
  • Brsoftech (another representative of top blockchain companies from India)
  • Ciklum (one more outstanding developer among blockchain companies from Ukraine)
  • Infosys (continues the list of blockchain development companies from India)
  • IBM Blockchain (a blockchain platform within a well-known multinational technology company)
  • MLG Blockchain (expert consulting and blockchain development from Canada)

To justify the choice and provide more data on the selected leaders in blockchain development, the presented review is accompanied by the detailed descriptions of the companies. The main idea of each overview is to demonstrate the reliability and outstanding performance of the selected groundbreakers, along with the useful information on blockchain developers worth hiring to catch the blockchain trend successfully. So, let’s go!

COINFABRIK- a blockchain development company specialized in blockchain technologies, FinTech and smart contracts development

With over 20 years of experience in safe transactions, CoinFabrik receives the title of a top blockchain development company in this rating. In fact, its capabilities are truly outstanding. Specifically, the numerous services this blockchain company offers on market include smart contract development, smart contract audits, exchanges, blockchain development, Hyperledger, private blockchain development, loan data sharing, supply chain blockchain, wallets, Crowdsale, training, and proof of existence. Moreover, the technical expertise of CoinFabrik extends to other spheres of software development, including UI & UX design, applications integration, QA, hybrid cloud environment product deployment, and maintenance services.

Headquarters: Argentina

Founded: 2014| Employees: 3–50

Coinfabrik Blockchain Development Company

Among all, CoinFabrikaims at guaranteeing the maximum protection of all the transactions — both through traditional wallets and made in a friction-free manner. In this context, the blockchain development company works on automating enforcement in RootStock and Ethereum, optimizing Smart Contracts’ code, maintaining safe cryptocurrency transactions, storing immutable data, creating and implementing blockchains for various industries’ needs, sharing credit information between banks, working on supply chain, protecting wallets, funding product ideas with Initial Coin Offerings, teaching, and creating own notary registries. In fact, the ability to provide such a diversified set of blockchain solutions is possible because the groundbreaker cares about maintaining unbeaten technical expertise in the chosen sphere — which includes responsiveness to clients, user customization of the services, focus on security, and cryptocurrency support. And numerous success stories justify the effectiveness of these efforts — meaning, among all, creating multi-currency wallet back-end and infrastructure for Jaxx Wallet and merge-mining implementation for Rootstock. By taking all these factors into account, there’s no surprise that CoinFabrik takes the prize of the best blockchain company in the world.

Expertise: Blockchain development services; Smart Contract development; supply chain blockchain; blockchain documentation; Hyperledger

EMPIRICA SOFTWARE– FinTech and blockchain software development company

Empirica Software is a blockchain development company that works with financial technology projects. To deliver the best service, the developer launched a separate Algorithmic Trading Platform useful for both traders and quants. At the same time, this is not the only advantage of Empirica Software. In the list of blockchain companies, this representative deserves a special place due to its result-oriented perspective. In other words, the developer concentrates on the customer needs and industry challenges. And as the best blockchain company, Empirica Software presents blockchain services in the form of FinTech software development, blockchain development, and the implementation of machine learning, data science, and AI in FinTech.

Headquarters: USA, UK, Finland, Poland, Germany, Netherlands

Founded: 2009| Employees: 25–50

Empirica Blockchain Development Company

Empirica Software offers professional services in blockchain development in the form of creating a cryptocurrency algorithmic trading platform, ICO investor platform, technology for cryptocurrency exchanges, and crypto asset management. In detail, it means assisting judging, market mining and other trading operations, facilitating investment in cryptocurrencies, providing building blocks for the exchanges, and managing the overall corporate finances (by taking into account both traditional and crypto assets). In addition, this blockchain development company offers various solutions related to blockchain, including Robo Adviser (a comprehensive platform for managing investors and services), FinTech Software Framework (which consists of security module, advanced charting, report engine, payments integration, notification engine, administration console, document management, scheduling, internationalization, auditing, lightweight CMS, and configuration module), and Algorithmic Trading Platform (that provides advantages of building, testing and trading for both traders and quants). And numerous satisfied clients agree that Empirica Software is the best blockchain development company– 100% customer satisfaction from companies like Warsaw Stock Exchange, InvestHelp, Credit Agricole, Bank of Environmental Protection Brokerage House, and Investio is the justification for this.

Expertise: Blockchain development services; FinTech software; machine learning, data science and AI in FinTech

LEEWAYHERTZ- Blockchain development company for startups and enterprises

This representative of top blockchain companies is specialized in various software technologies, including blockchain, Internet of Things, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and mobile and app development. In this context, the blockchain capabilities of Leewayhertz are impressive. In particular, this blockchain development company is able to work with most technological tools in the sphere, including Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Corda. In addition, the developer reached expertise in Fintech, healthcare, and supply chain, which justifies its inclusion into in the presented list of the most appraised blockchain development companies in the world that can work with this technology effectively and assist on its implementation in various industries.

Headquarters: USA

Founded: 2007| Employees: 250

Leewayhertz Blockchain Development Company For Startups & Enterprises

Similar to other blockchain companies, Leewayhertz works on building digital ecosystems that enable smooth operation of the technology. Precisely, the developer uses its expertise in different cutting-edge technologies (including IoT, AI, and clouds) to create the space of constant innovativeness for businesses. In this context, Leewayhertz established three main directions of working with blockchain: enterprise blockchain, smart contracts development, and dApp development. Firstly, the presented blockchain development company can build MVP or transform the existing programs according to the trend by using Hyperledger, R3 Corda, Hashgraph or Ethereum. Then, smart contracts development means a capability to use different platforms for business automation. Finally, Leewayhertz is a rare representative of dApp specialists with 10 years of experience in using multiple domains that enable a smooth running of P2P network. Due to this expertise, the company managed to succeed in completing complicated tasks on adopting blockchain technology, including working on Freight Tracking for logistics and building a supply chain on blockchain for the pharmaceutical industry. And as a result, gained an outstanding reputation on the market.

Expertise: Blockchain development services; dApps; Smart Contract development; supply chain blockchain; Ethereum

INTELLECTSOFT BLOCKCHAIN LAB — blockchain development company with top blockchain developers

Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab is a young blockchain company that addresses the popularity of this technology in a professional manner. In other words, this top blockchain company extended the range of services it already provides as a leading software developer to ensure that its trusted clients enjoy the best experience while adapting blockchain to their business operations. To achieve this aim, this blockchain development company works with blockchain technology consulting, public and private blockchains development, distributed applications, AML/KYC/GDPR compliance, distributed eCommerce solutions, and blockchains and cryptocurrencies forks. And because of this diversified set of services, Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab deserves its place in this list as a top blockchain development company.

Headquarters: USA, UK

Founded: 2018| Employees: 250–500

Intellectsoft Blockchain Development Lab

As for the tools and technologies Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab is acquainted with, the corporate potential includes Hyperledger, Ethereum, Parity, Exonum, R3, Multichain, and NXT. During the adoption of this toolkit, the process model this blockchain development company uses includes five key steps: need clarification, strategy and concept workshop, design and development, launch, and support and further growth. In addition to such a comprehensive approach to blockchain development, the company readily shares its top expertise that is capable of delivering fast and flexible results. Also, it possesses a business mindset and a trending understanding of research and development and has a global success. Actually, the recent projects Intellectsoft Blockchain Lad delivered confirm these ambitions — the company proved its mastery while working on online eCommerce marketplace (using Ethereum, ERC20 tokens, identity management, secured crowdfunding, and crypto and digital assets management), virtual currency (using Ethereum, ERC20 tokens, and identity management) and cryptocurrency wallet (using Ethereum, Bitcoin, Java backend, and iOS and Android apps).

Expertise: Blockchain development services; dApps; Ethereum; eCommerce solutions

INNOVECS– blockchain software development outsourcing company

Innovecs is the best blockchain development company in terms of an industry range, which includes spheres of Gaming & Entertainment, Logistics, Healthcare, AdTech, FinTech, and Telecom. Like the other blockchain companies, it aims at facilitating the process of adoption this promising technology into businesses — and already demonstrates exceptional results in helping Fintech, eCommerce and retail, Software & high tech, and Healthcare to achieve this. At the same time, the developer concentrates on a multidimensional approach to software adoption. Thus, it includes blockchain into the wider set of technological assistance, which includes BI & Big Data, AI & ML, performance QA, QA automation, DevOps, hybrid apps, UI/UX, animation, and art.

Headquarters: Ukraine, USA, Israel, UK, Switzerland

Founded: 2011| Employees: 250–500

Innovecs Blockchain Software Development Company

As a top blockchain development company, Innovecs is capable to provide assistance with deep expertise in blockchain application development, architecture and integration software outsourcing services, operation maintenance, and safe transactions. Specifically, this best blockchain company delivers services in a form of distributed document management solutions, money transfer, loyalty programs, and enterprise cryptocurrency platforms. Being a risk-taker, Innovecs successfully accomplished the task of developing a service application to connect Telegram user accounts with Coinapult wallets. Besides, it maintains the high level of expertise in the other success stories — with its commitment to a true partnership, accelerated hiring process, and inspiration working environment (a special “Silicon Valley” atmosphere, precisely). And finally, the developer deserves its place in this rating as the best blockchain development company with multiple awards, including IAOP Global Outsourcing 100, Top 50 Biggest IT Companies in Ukraine 2017, and Top Web Developer and App Developer recognition by Clutch.

Expertise: Blockchain development services; Blockchain application development; Blockchain documentation

BRSOFTECH– professional blockchain development services

In general, Brsoftech assists its clients in creating and maintaining applications for web, mobile, and games. In fact, it offers multiple software solutions on market, which include app development, web development, web design, eCommerce, API services, and trending technologies. As a blockchain development company, it aims at providing diversified services by using Hyperledger technology. Precisely, this blockchain company specializes in smart contracts, exchange, general blockchain development, multi-chain/supply chain, wallet, Crowdsale, and proof of existence. Given the extent of available services and the length of experience on software market, the developer deserves its place in the presented list of top blockchain companies.

Headquarters: India, USA, Australia, Canada

Founded: 2010| Employees: 200–250

Brsoftech Blockchain Development Services

Brsoftech provides blockchain services in several appearances. As for the smart contracts, it is capable to facilitate and decrease the number of disagreements while making transactions. Exchange solution means developing an own cryptocurrency. Furthermore, blockchain development includes global publishing of the cryptocurrency assets with a suitable technology. In its turn, Hyperledger potential enables pairing experience from various industries into a free financial system. In addition, Brsoftech works with supply chains, wallets, and Crowdsale and provides a proof of existence. Furthermore, this blockchain development company established an effective implementation model, which includes sketching of work or process flow, designing layout, coding core blockchain development process, testing, implementing onsite support, and ensuring the following support and training. In general, it is relevant to state that Brsoftech provides professional assistance in blockchain development (as a process of turning the innovation of smart contracts into a global practice) and blockchain consulting (which includes an expert help in implementing, understanding, initiating payments, managing, and demonstrating the results).

Expertise: Blockchain development services; Smart Contracts; Supply Chain Blockchain

CIKLUM — expert in software development that works with blockchain development services

Ciklum is a top blockchain development company that positions itself as an international custom software developer. In this context, the key areas in which it provides assistance includes services of the extended team, managed team, projects, and managed services. Concerning blockchain solutions, Ciklum works with smart contracts and supply chains. Similar to other top blockchain companies presented in this rating, it enables the smooth implementation of this technology into business operations and facilitates introducing the innovation into industries. Among the successful case studies, the custom software development company achieved top results with blockchain solutions in finances, logistics, and banking sector.

Headquarters: Ukraine, UK, USA, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark, Israel, Poland, Belarus, Pakistan

Founded: 2002| Employees: 3,000

Ciklum Blockchain Development Services

Ciklum deserves its place among top blockchain companies due to the outstanding expertise in putting the technology into action. Possessing the impressive resources in adopting the diversified set of software development solutions, the company is able to implement blockchain into business smoothly and professionally. Among the main advantages of hiring Ciklum blockchain developers, the clients get reduced delays from paperwork, minimized or eliminated fraud and errors, and high revenues. In this case, the introduction of automation and digitalization are the reason f these achievements. Furthermore, financial experts can omit the need to exercise numerous checks and balances, supply chain enterprises will gain a remote control over the shipment tracking, and banks get an opportunity to transfer money transparently and in a larger amount. To make this possible, Ciklum experts provide full lifecycle development, meaning working according to the need for risk mitigation, safety, and comprehensive analysis, and not hesitating using up-to-date technologies to improve the results. Hence, it is relevant to put Ciklum among the most reputable ones in this list of blockchain development companies.

Expertise: Blockchain development services; Smart Contracts; Supply Chain Blockchain

INFOSYS– a blockchain development company of a global scale from India

Infosys is a blockchain development company specialized in adopting next-generation technologies into businesses worldwide. Being a pioneer in blockchain-based trade network establishment in India, this developer managed to create a high value for its clients, which includes realization acceleration, interoperability achievement, and trusted ecosystems enabling. Specifically, this blockchain company works with blockchain incubation as a service, blockchain services, blockchain solutions, and blockchain platform. In addition, Infosys assists various industries, including energy, communication and services, finance, healthcare and life sciences, insurance, agriculture, aero, manufacturing and hi-tech, and retail and CPG. Finally, the company, as a global leader in software development, hired numerous professionals to ensure that the services and solutions delivered are of the highest quality.

Headquarters: India

Founded: 2002| Employees: 60,000+

Infosys Blockchain Development Solutions

Among the specific services, Infosys blockchain company works in four directions. Among all, it offers trends research, design thinking-led assessment, technology assessment, rapid prototyping, and blockchain lab. Furthermore, blockchain services include technology advisory, consulting services, development services, integration services, and testing services. As for blockchain solutions, Infosys provides solutions that are either industry-specific or serve for integration with enterprise applications. Finally, the entire Infosys blockchain platform enables ready-to-onboard and permissioned networks. When it comes to the model of the corporate work, it consists of five stages: evaluation of blockchain opportunities and prototype, designing a pilot blockchain user-case, crafting and testing a blockchain solution, onboarding partners and integrating of the network, and deployment and operation of the complete blockchain network. In fact, all the solutions are of a high quality, customizable, and delivered within a short time. And because of this, Infosys can be called a top blockchain development company and appear in this list.

Expertise: Blockchain development services; Blockchain platform

IBM BLOCKCHAIN — blockchain development solutions for enterprise

In the list of top blockchain companies, the appearance of IBM Blockchain is inevitable. Being one of the best and well-known IT businesses in the world, IBM launched recently an effective lab to work on blockchain solutions and provide an expert help on them. In fact, this best blockchain development company enables building a complete blockchain platform, facilitates the management of blockchain assets, and protects the transactions with the security potential of IBM cloud. Furthermore, the list of its services includes kick-start in the sphere, acceleration programs, and innovation services for the further extension. And the reputation of IBM guarantees that the presented solutions and services are of a top quality and done by the best experts in the field.

Headquarters: USA

Founded: 2016 | Employees: 366,000+

IBM Blockchain Development Solutions

Precisely,IBM Blockchain is capable to deliver blockchain solutions in four appearances. While developing a platform, the company launches a full network: starting with Hyperledger Composer, scaling with Hyperledger Fabric, running on IBM cloud, developing highly customized applications, and governing and operating the completed network. When it comes to identity, the presented best blockchain development company works on establishing a trusted network that not only transforms the business operations with AI and industry expertise achievements but also enables participating and interoperating in other networks. In terms of food trust, IBM Blockchain collaborates with agriculture agents to create the network where information like food origin, processing data, and shipping details is shared transparently. Finally, this blockchain company manages to secure world-wire payments by using the blockchain and Stellar protocol for cross-border payments in seconds. Among the specific industries that benefit from IBM Blockchain solutions the most, there are financial services, supply chain, insurance, and media and entertainment.

Expertise: Blockchain development services; Blockchain platform; Food Trust; World-wire payments

MLG — blockchain development & consulting company

MLG Blockchain is the last representative of best blockchain companies in this list. Being an expert in working with the innovation, this blockchain development company offers the wide range of services and solutions. Among all, the clients refer to it for assistance in creating applications that require the adoption of blockchain and smart contract technology. At the same time, the presented blockchain company works with numerous blockchain fabrics (including Bitcoin Blockchain, Ethereum, Hyperledger, and Factom), along with blockchain development APIs, software, databases, and devOps. In short, it is relevant to state that MLG Blockchain is a rare small company that specializes solely in blockchain and makes it in an expert manner which would not disgrace the well-known and multinational rival corporations on this market.

Headquarters: Canada

Founded: 2016| Employees: 5–50

MGL Blockchain Development Company

In detail, MLG Blockchain provides blockchain solutions in the form of token marketing (namely, bounty campaign, digital marketing, PR, and community management), token development (token contract, Crowdsale contract, security audit, and contract deployment), token distribution (exchange listings, enterprise partnerships, regional representation, and accounting), blockchain consulting (strategic planning, blockchain architecture, developer training, and executive training), blockchain development (integration with blockchain, smart contract development, wallet/explorer, and admin analytics), and blockchain capital (SAFT investment, Angel investment, ITO liquidation, and capital management). With such a diversified and specified set of solutions, this blockchain development company is appraised all over the world. In this context, its clients are Coral Health, Tron, BTC Media, TD Bank, Latoken, Blockmason, Aptisma Indonesia and many others. And all these factors together make it relevant to include MLG Blockchain into the list of top blockchain development companies in the world to date.

Expertise: Blockchain development services; Blockchain consulting; Blockchain capital; Token marketing, development, and distribution

So, here they are — the best of the best blockchain development companies in the world. They differ based on the size, age, geography and specific areas of expertise — but have one common trait. Each blockchain company in this rating is a true expert in the sphere.

Hence, don’t hesitate to refer for a service or solution to participate in the trend that changes the business future!

