Aliens And UFOs Captured at The Torbay Airshow 2018,

5 min readOct 19, 2022

I was at the Torbay air show, and I was sitting at the seafront waiting for some more planes to arrive. I was looking out to sea at first but then I just happened to look towards thatcher rock and ore stone where I spotted a black sphere-shaped object descending from the sky. The sphere object appeared to land on ore stone and then disappear. It happened so fast that I thought to myself did I really just see that? I looked through my binoculars panning up and down the small island but I could not see anything out of the ordinary. I then looked back through the camera’s viewfinder only to see two black figures standing on the small island. It appeared that I could only see them through the camera’s viewfinder as they were completely invisible through my binoculars. There must be something special about the Nikon P900 camera’s electronic viewfinder that allowed me to somehow see through their cloaking technology. The figure to the right appeared to be translucent and it was hard to discern any detail from it, so I turned my attention to the figure on the left that was hiding behind a bush. The figure was partially obscured by the bush, but I could still see that it had grey skin and appeared to be wearing a dark tightly fitted overall. What really stood out though was the big black eyes. Once I saw the large black eyes I knew that the figures were not human and that they were in fact alien. I got a good look at the black eyes, and they were very creepy. The alien had now turned and looked in my direction which freaked me out even though I was miles…

