Astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s Admission To Aliens

2 min readJan 14, 2023

Mitchell has gone on record about his controversial belief in extraterrestrial UFOs, and of a possible government cover-up. Dr. Herman Oberth, the father of astronautics and rocketry stated, “The Earth is being visited by aliens.” Edgar stated, “Recently, I appeared on television in New York with the Astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary who feels as I do that we must research the subject of UFOs with greater emphasis.” Astronaut Neil Armstrong, Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan and Buzz Aldrin have talked privately to friends, but all agree there is somebody out there. Gordon Cooper’s article entitled “Aliens Are Here” tells about his letter to the United Nations that stated in part, “I do believe UFOs exist and that the truly unexplained ones are from some other technically advanced civilization.”

Edgar told me, “He signed a contract with NASA not to reveal anything he saw regarding aliens and UFOs. However, all of his friends had seen them.” Edgar stated, “After my space flight, I was contacted by descendants of the original Roswell observers where he grew up, including the person who delivered the child-sized coffins to the Air Force to contain alien bodies. Another was one of the children of the deputy sheriff who was patrolling traffic around the site. They all seemed credible with their stories that the bodies found were alien.”

