Bizarre Triangular UFO Captured,

3 min readSep 23, 2022

I was sky watching looking through my binoculars facing towards the east when I suddenly spotted an object that was very high up in the sky. I watched the object intently as it moved, and it was rotating which made it really difficult to determine it’s true shape. I could see that part of it was pointed while the other part appeared to be more rounded. I would have to describe this object as being a kind of rounded triangle. It was very odd, and as I looked on in amazement the object then began to release some kind of yellow gas. The gas appeared to be coming out of a rounded part of the object, and it did not trail behind the object, but instead seemed to stick to it’s surface as it moved. Totally perplexed by what I was seeing, I put down my binoculars and picked up my Nikon P900 camera. I then quickly took some photographs, and watched in amazement as the object disappeared off into the distance. I managed to capture the object in three photographs, and they were taken at 10:11 AM on the 17th of September 2017, at Newton Abbot Devon England.

