Family’s Very Strange Alien Craft Encounter In Coos Bay Oregon

4 min readNov 29, 2023

Date of Sighting: January 3, 1973
Time of Sighting: 9:30 PM PST
Location of Sighting: Near Coos Bay, OR (100 Miles SW of Eugene)
Latitude: 43.36715 Degrees N
Longitude: 43.367 Degrees W

Description (Exciting Recount of Sighting in Witness’s Own Words): My family and I were returning to Miramar Naval Air Station, near San Diego, CA after 30 days leave. We Left Albany, Oregon at 5 pm. The sighting took place near Coos Bay, Oregon at 9:30 pm.

Highway 101 was closed to land slide, so we had to take construction detour. My wife and infant son were in the car with me. Saw 3 large yellowish glowing lights below my position while driving on auxiliary road. All three lights were equally apart in space.

I stopped on shoulder of road, and proceeded down a small slope, a distance of approximately 100 to 150 feet. Upon approaching lights, now realized they were positioned above me by a distance of approximately 30 feet. As I approached the source of the lights, walked into the side of this “THING”.

The side of this object was coated or made of some material which seemed to absorb light. After a couple of minutes, when my eyes adjusted to the light being emitted from above…

