Glowing Spheres Captured Near Passenger Plane,

3 min readSep 13, 2022

I was sky-watching when I spotted some ‎small glowing spheres that were strangely dancing around the sky in a playful manner. I watched them for a while before an approaching passenger plane caught my attention. ‎I looked on in total disbelief, as the small spheres flew toward the plane. The small spheres then followed the passenger plane across the sky. I was in the process of taking some photographs, when all of a sudden, a giant sphere appeared from out of nowhere and flew right by the plane before it flew off into the distance and disappeared from sight. The giant sphere had been in very close-proximity to the passenger plane as it had passed by, and the pilots must have seen it, and seeing something of that size near their plane, must have been pretty terrifying for them, and I guess the pilots probably needed a spare set of underwear after this aerial encounter. I managed to take six photographs in total of this amazing event. It really was incredible witnessing these glowing spheres near that passenger plane. The Photographs were taken‏‎ at 2:28 PM on the 11th of ‎September ‎2016, at Newton Abbot Devon England.

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