Long Rotating Serpent Like UFO Captured,

2 min readOct 4, 2022

I was sky watching when I noticed several objects very high up in the sky. There were white spheres and a saucer shaped object along with a long serpent like object. The saucer shaped object passed below the long serpent like object causing it to react to it’s presents and rotate counter clockwise following the saucer as it moved across the sky. As the serpent like object rotated the sun shone off of its reflective body, and it ended up facing towards one of the white spheres. Luckily I had the camera set to burst mode and I had managed to capture all the strange movements of these objects, especially the serpent like object. I continued to watch the objects as they moved around the sky pulling various maneuvers before they then all flew off in different directions and disappeared from view. It was a very peculiar sight to witness all of these strange objects together in one part of the sky like that. What on earth was going on up there on this particular day. The photograph was taken at 12:45 PM on the ‎29th of ‎April ‎2017, at‏‎ Newton Abbot Devon England.

