Man Sees Gray Hooded Entity With Long Arms Amble Along a Path

3 min readDec 25, 2023

Gaithersburg is About 20 Miles West of Baltimore.

Date of Sighting: January 1, 2011
Time of Sighting: 7 AM EST
Location of Sighting: Gaithersburg, Maryland (See Map)

Description: The witness was visiting his mother over the holidays. He noticed that his dog was smelling something and became quite uneasy. The dog would pace back and forth.

The witness thought that perhaps an intruder might be outside and so he checked outside. At that time he saw a small figure about 5 feet tall, with hooded clothing.

He went back and got his binoculars and when he viewed the entity it appeared to be “faceless.” The creature had short upper arms and long forearms.

The creature tried to communicate with the witness through telepathy. It kept communicating “I am not witch, I am you.” He then retrieved his 22 rifle. He did not point the weapon at the creature.

The creature seemed oblivious to the weapon. At that point, the witness put his hands on top of his eyes so as to shield them. The entity did the same.

The entity then moved down a walking path and it seemed to “amble” rather than walk normally. The dog watched the entity “attentively,” but did not…

